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Skip at mansion

Author pov.
Lisa and Jungkook went inside

Seol: DAD

Author pov.
Seol hugged Jungkook. Lisa and Jungkook were shocked to see Seol calling Jungkook dad

Lisa mom: Seol is smart

Lisa dad: You can't always hide anything

Seol: Mommy stop hiding things from me I know that uncle Kook was my own dad. He is my dad

Lisa: How you know

Seol: Uncle Sehun told me everything

Jungkook: Sehun

Author pov.
Seol nodded

Lisa: He didn't did anything to you right

Seol: I'm good but it's just hurt when you are keeping secret from me

Lisa: Seol

Seol: If you want me to talk with you then you have to accept dad in your life

Author pov.
Seol went to his bedroom

Lisa mom: I can't help you Lisa I'm so sorry

Lisa dad: Me too

Jungkook: I know that you wouldn't accept me yet take your time

Lisa pov.
After Jungkook went away I were thinking what to do. It's hard to accept him back

Author pov.
While Lisa were thinking suddenly she blacked out

Jungkook pov.
After I leave Lisa for some space I went to check her back but she was not there. Lisa where are you

Jungkook: Mom and dad did you guys saw Lisa

Lisa mom: No

Lisa dad: What happened Jungkook

Jungkook: Lisa was not there. You guys stay here I will go find her

Author pov.
Jungkook leave the mansion

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
Where is Lisa how I'm going to find her. I remember I put tracker on her wedding ring hope she wear the ring

At Lisa

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I wake up in abandoned house I remember that I blacked out. The location is very dark

Author pov.
Lisa couldn't move or do anything because she was tied up in a chair and her mouth has a handkerchief

Lisa pov.
I saw someone walk towards me and that was Sehun

Author pov.
Lisa eyes widen. Sehun took the handkerchief on Lisa mouth

Lisa: Sehun

Sehun: How are you Lisa

Author pov.
Lisa got scared because Sehun voice got deeper than before

Lisa: S-ehu-n

Author pov.
Lisa was stuttering because of scarednes. Sehun got close to Lisa and smell her hair

Sehun: Do you know how much I miss you Lisa I miss your face

Author pov.
Sehun touch Lisa shoulder while shaking it Lisa closed her eyes and start to cry

Sehun: That day when I want to rape you your ex husband Jungkook help you

Lisa: He is not my ex husband. HE IS MY HUSBAND

Author pov.
Sehun touch Lisa thighs but Lisa pushed his hand and spit on him


Author pov.
Sehun slap Lisa face

Lisa: I hate you

Sehun: I love you Lisa the obsession

Sehun: Now you are really a bitch Lisa   but this is going to be your biggest weakness

Author pov.
Lisa eyes widen when she saw Seol

Lisa: SEOL

Seol: MOMMY I want dad


Author pov.
Suddenly the door open Lisa, Sehun and Seol turned to see Jungkook

Jungkook: How dare you to kidnap my wife and my son

Author pov.
Jungkook shoot one of Sehun man

Jungkook: Don't dare to hurt him or you will be finished Sehun

Author pov.
Jungkook said without expression

Sehun: What a entry

Author pov.
Jungkook glare at Sehun

Sehun: Oppps I'm so scared Lisa please help me

Author pov.
Sehun said mockingly. Jungkook came alone while Sehun has four man and know it was three because one of the man has been shooted by Jungkook

Sehun: Let's see who can win mafia king. You or me

Author pov.
Jungkook took his gun and hold Sehun neck

Sehun: Kill me then they will also die

Jungkook: Don't dare

Author pov.
One of Sehun man point gun at Lisa while Lisa gulp

Sehun: Try to shoot me Jeon Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook look at Lisa with anger and fear of losing Lisa but Lisa untied her rope and kicked the man while Sehun has knife he was about to stabbed Jungkook but Jungkook avoid

Jungkook: Don't think that I'm dumb like you Sehun. Goodbye

Sehun: NO, NO

Author pov.
Jungkook shoot Sehun. Lisa ran to Jungkook and hugged him. Lisa cry at Jungkook

Jungkook: Relax doll I'm here for you

Lisa: Jungkook I'm sorry for everything really sorry

Seol: Mommy do you accept daddy back

Author pov.
Lisa nodded

Skip after one year

Author pov.
IU had recovered from the mental illness they live happily. Lisa meet her unnie and BTS, BLACKPINK had their comeback also Jungkook and Lisa had another baby it's was girl it's mean that Seol has younger sister

Jungkook pov.
I went to our bedroom too see Lisa playing with Lia

(Lia is their daughter)

Jungkook: Doll

Lisa: Kookie

Author pov.
Lisa carry Lia and put her on her lap

Lisa: She looks so cute

Jungkook: I know see his father so cute well it because of me we have this kids

Lisa: Excuse me I'm the one who give birth

Jungkook: But the sperm was mine

Seol: Mommy, Daddy

Author pov.
Seol kissed Lisa cheeks

Lisa: Awwww

Jungkook: Stop kissing him

Seol: You are just jealous that mommy doesn't give you kiss

Jungkook: Seol

Seol: Daddy relax

Seol: I'm coming here for Lisa not for mom kiss

Lisa: Stop being jealous Jeon Jungkook. He is your son

Jungkook: I will

The end

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