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Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I went to Lisa bedroom to see her reading book

Jungkook: Doll

Lisa: Can you stop calling me doll

Jungkook: I can't

Lisa: What you want

Jungkook: Let's go out

Lisa: I wouldn't come

Jungkook: You have too come because Seol is coming

Lisa: Ahhhh

Jungkook: See you downstairs my doll

Author pov.
Jungkook went downstairs

Seol: Is mommy coming

Jungkook: Of course she is

Author pov.
After Jungkook went downstairs Lisa also went downstairs

Lisa: Let's go

Jungkook: See your mommy is coming

Lisa: Come Seol

Seol: I'm not going to go mommy

Lisa: Then I won't go also

Seol: You have to go if not ........

Lisa: I will go

Author pov.
Jungkook whisper to Lisa

Jungkook: You can't let Seol leave you right

Author pov.
Lisa rolled her eyes

Jungkook: Let's go doll, goodbye Seol

Seol: Goodbye Uncle Kook

Skip at a playground

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I were walking with Jungkook suddenly I saw Bam Bam


Author pov.
Lisa went to Bam Bam but stopped when Jungkook hold her hand

Jungkook: How are you

Bam Bam: I'm good bro

Lisa: What are you doing here

Bam Bam: I went out with Mina

Lisa: Mina

Bam Bam: I realized than you wouldn't fall in love with me so I find a girl for me

Lisa: And that is Mina

Bam Bam: Yes it is

Author pov.
After Jungkook heard that Jungkook leave Lisa hand

Mina: Bam Bam let's go. Oh Lisa

Lisa: You still remember me

Mina: Of course I am

Bam Bam: Jungkook let's talk

Jungkook: Sure

Author pov.
They went to talk

Bam Bam: I know that you still love Lisa

Jungkook: Yes

Bam Bam: As her childhood friends I'm asking you to take care of her properly because Sehun is still alive

Jungkook: I will. Congratulations for you

Bam Bam: Thank you bro Mina is actually good for me

To be continued

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