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Lisa: You said Jong-Suk was IU husband and father for Somin

Jungkook: Yes it is

Lisa: And

Jungkook: Jong-Suk told me that IU has been crazy or should I say psycho. She is obsessed with me. She didn't want anyone to leave her alone. She become like this after her first child was died. IU become depressed that she afraid of losing anyone everyday she cry and always try to do suicide but Jong-Suk as a husband he always help her by treatment but nothing work for her

Lisa: How did she meet you

Jungkook: One day I were at club for mafia meeting. I saw her she was drunk and someone was about to rape her but I saved her that day she start to get obsessed with me

Lisa: What a story right Jungkook. How did you even create it

Jungkook: Doll, this is not story this is the real

Lisa: Enough you are just ruining my life and guess what Jong-Suk also told that Seol was your son

Jungkook: Yes it is because it was facts

Lisa: Just shut up don't lie Jungkook

Jungkook: Lisa I'm not lying I'm telling the truth this is the truth

Lisa: Now tell me how did you find out Seol was your son

Author pov.
Jungkook took a deep breath

Jungkook: Jong-Suk told me everything happened at yesterday night when you were at the hospital I was sleeping with Seol and I got called I went to pick up the call Jong-Suk said sorry to you and me then he told me about Seol I didn't believe at first but then I took DNA test by the glass of water that Seol drink with my blood. The results shows that Seol was my son. I'm sorry for not believing you Doll, I know I'm wrong

Lisa: Just enough you just stay here and just leave the house after one week

Author pov.
Lisa went to her bedroom. Jungkook went to the living room

Lisa dad: Jungkook maybe she needs time hope you understand

Jungkook: How you can support me when I did wrong

Lisa dad: Because I saw your eyes were feeling sorry for my daughter. Please take care my angel properly don't lose her Jungkook

Jungkook: I will

Lisa dad: I have to go out

Jungkook: OK

Author pov.
Lisa dad went out from the mansion

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I will definitely get you Lisa

To be continued

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