Bam Bam

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Lisa pov.
(In mind)
After the award show end I went to Seol but he was not there.

Author pov.
Lisa went to ask a person

Lisa: Mr. have you seen a small boy he were black suit he sit beside me

Man: Is it Seol

Lisa: Yes. He is my son

Man: No, I doesn't see him

Author pov.
The man went away leaving Lisa alone

Lisa pov.
SEOL, JEON SEOL, MY SON. Where are you

Author pov.
Suddenly Lisa got a called

Unknown person: Hi Lalisa Manobal

Lisa: Excuse me who are you

Unknown person: Your son Seol is with me

Lisa: Don't dare hurt him

Unknown person: Then come meet me Lisa I send you the location

Lisa: I will come just leave him alone don't hurt him

Author pov.
Lisa hang the call and saw a location that has been send by that person

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I have to go

At Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I saw Lisa and she seems worried then she went somewhere

IU: Jungkook let's go

Jungkook: IU you go home first I will come

IU: Serious

Jungkook: Yes go first

Author pov.
IU went away while Jungkook followed Lisa

Skip at a place

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I hope it's not Jungkook the one that kidnap Seol

Author pov.
Lisa went inside the building followed by Jungkook but Lisa didn't realize that Jungkook was behind her


Author pov.
Lisa saw Seol and went to hug him

Unknown person: How are you Lalisa Manobal

Author pov.
Lisa turned to see Bam Bam


Author pov.
Lisa went to hug Bam Bam while Jungkook just watch it

Bam Bam: You are scared that I was someone

Lisa: Yes I thought it was kidnapper

Seol: Mommy who is he

Lisa: He is your uncle

Bam Bam: Should I said your future father

Lisa: Bam Bam

Seol: He is going to be your future husband

Lisa: No, baby mommy is not ready to get married yet

Seol: Lisa I understand but for the baby

Lisa: Sorry Bam Bam

Jungkook: So you still love me doll

Seol: Uncle

Jungkook: I was a fool to let you go but this time I wouldn't be like that

Lisa: Seol and Bam Bam let's go

Jungkook: Stop Lisa I'm talking to you

Lisa: Can't you stop Jungkook. You already had a wife and a daughter so don't fucking come and disturb me. I don't need you in my life. Please just go Jungkook

Jungkook: I wouldn't leave you alone doll

Bam Bam: Hey, she already said leave her alone right what is your problem

Jungkook: Don't intrupt when a husband speaking with his wife

Lisa: Excuse me you are not my husband you are really weird. Guys let's go

Author pov.
Lisa dragged Bam Bam and Seol with her

Lisa: Just don't come to me Jeon Jungkook. I hate you and always will

Jungkook: Jeon Lalisa

If you had idea for the next chapter please tell me

To be continued

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