South Korea

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Skip tomorrow morning

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I wake up in a room I turned and saw Jungkook and Seol were sleeping on the couch while hugging each other. Where am I

Lisa: Seol

Jungkook: Mmmmm

Author pov.
Jungkook yawned and wake up looking at Lisa

Jungkook: Good morning Doll

Author pov.
Jungkook in cute tone

Lisa: What are you doing here. Where I'm at

Jungkook: You don't remember what happened yesterday night

Lisa: What happened. Ahhhh my head

Jungkook: Are you OK

Lisa: I'm OK. Tell me what happened yesterday night

Jungkook told everything happened to Lisa

Lisa: IU

Jungkook: Yes

Lisa: Can't you and your wife leave us alone

Jungkook: Lisa, IU is not my wife anymore

Lisa: You just act right

Jungkook: Lisa, please I'm not the father of her daughter

Lisa: And know you want me back

Jungkook: Yes I want you

Lisa: Enough I don't want to stay here anymore I want to go to South Korea

Jungkook: Doll, what are you talking about

Lisa: That's it

Author pov.
Lisa wake up from the bed and went to Seol and carry Seol leaving Jungkook alone

Jungkook: Lisa wait

Author pov.
Lisa keep walking

Nurse: Miss Lisa were are you going

Lisa: Leave me I want to go out from the hospital

Nurse: Lisa Madam

Author pov.
Lisa went out from the hospital

Jungkook: Nurse have you seen Lisa

Nurse: She went out sir

Jungkook: OK

Author pov.
Jungkook went out from the hospital

Jungkook pov.

Author pov.
Lisa went inside taxi. Jungkook went to his car and start to follow Lisa taxi

Skip at Lisa mansion

Author pov.
Lisa went inside her house while carrying Seol. Jungkook also followed. Lisa went to Seol bedroom and put Seol on bed

Jungkook: Lisa what is your problem

Lisa: Leaving you

Jungkook: I need you and Seol

Lisa: I don't want to live with you Jungkook. I hate you Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook: LISA


Author pov.
Suddenly Seol wake up and were crying

Lisa: What happened Seol why are you crying

Seol: Mommy why are you fighting with Uncle Kook he save you yesterday mommy

Lisa: Heh

Seol: Stop fighting

Lisa: OK I wouldn't fight with him go take shower we have to go to Seol


Author pov.
After the business award end Lisa parents went to Korea because they have something important to do.
Seol went to take shower while Lisa were about to go out from Seol bedroom but Jungkook hold Lisa waist

Jungkook: Lisa please

Lisa: Jungkook I want to go to Korea back I hope you just leave me

Jungkook: Then I will come to Korea also

Lisa: What do you mean

Jungkook: I will come to Korea and be with you. I want you back Lisa

Lisa: Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook went out from the bedroom

Lisa pov.
Can I live without him

To be continued

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