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Lisa pov.
(In mind)
After Sehun went away I was with Jungkook then he also went away I was so bored so I decided to walk in the mansion I went to the basement to see a door I went inside

(In mind)After Sehun went away I was with Jungkook then he also went away I was so bored so I decided to walk in the mansion I went to the basement to see a door I went inside

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Lisa pov

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Lisa pov.
I'm so scared suddenly I heard someone coming but I just ignored it

Jungkook: Doll, doll where are you

Jungkook pov.
I were finding Lisa until at the basement I hope she doesn't see anything than I went to see Lisa was feeling scared

Jungkook: What are you doing here

Lisa: Ahhhhhh

Jungkook: Shhhh calm down relax

Unknown person: PLEASE HELP ME

Lisa pov.
I heard someone was shouting I were finding the person until I saw someone was tied in a chair

Lisa: Are you OK

Man: Please help me

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
This man look so pitiful and he's is old

Author pov.
Lisa was about to go near that man but Jungkook stop her

Jungkook: Don't go near him

Lisa: Why he's pitiful

Jungkook: I said no right

Man: Please help me

Author pov.
Jungkook shot the man Infront of Lisa. Lisa legs were trembling Jungkook turned to see Lisa were feeling scared. Lisa put her hand on her mouth. Lisa cry

Lisa: Why did you kill him you are really cruel

Jungkook: He is my dad Lisa he received it

Lisa: You kill your dad

Jungkook: Yes doll

Author pov.
Jungkook went near to Lisa

Lisa: Don't come near me

Author pov.
Jungkook didn't care and even when more near to Lisa. Lisa walk backward while Jungkook walk forward to Lisa until Lisa body hit the wall Lisa start to panicked

Lisa: Please Jungkook don't touch me I will not do anything please let me go leave me I'm begging you

Author pov.
Jungkook hold Lisa waist tightly

Jungkook: I wouldn't leave you doll

To be continued

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