For Romance or For Kindness 1

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On the cloudy and sunny weather, the girl with her creamy hair color with teal tips enters her high school.

She wears her cream-colored school dress uniform. The girl had a pair of dark brown magatama hair clips on her head. She also had a white skull brooch on top of her dress. She also has her black and white bow on her front of her dress. Her cream-colored school dress uniform goes to her knees. The girl wore her dark brown tights with her pair of uwabaki slippers. Her tights have half-moon patterns above her white and red slippers.

The girl carries her light pink backpack on her back.

And her high school is Kamome Gakuen Academy.

In Class 1-A, the girl with her cream-colored hair with teal tips meets her best friend.

She greets the purple-haired girl with her friendly smile.

The girl with her purple circlets on her head greeted her friend back.

She made a cheerful face at her cream-colored-haired with teal tips friend. "Hey, Nene-Chan. Hear me out. It's so cool." The girl with her purple hair said.

Nene was perplexed at her best friend. "What is it about, Aoi-Chan?" She wondered.

Aoi winked her left eye with her gentle smile. "There's a new boy in the hallway." She replied in her mentioning.

The news from Aoi got Nene's attention.

Aoi points to the doorway. "We should meet him. I just heard a word from our class." She suggested.

Nene raises her both eyebrows in realization. Despite she has no luck for having a boyfriend in her life, Nene was beaming in her emotional state. "Oh, yes! Let's go then!" She exclaimed.

Aoi and Nene heads out of the classroom door.

There are a group of high school students. They are gathered around for the new boy of the high school.

The high school boys and girls are making a new student feel welcome.

Aoi and Nene can't get a good look of the new boy.

They can only see his bright red hair.

Aoi was delighted at the new boy. She raised her right hand in the air. "Hello! Pardon us! Yoo-hoo!" Aoi waved and called out to the new student.

The redhead boy faced the crowd. "Excuse me, everyone. Someone's calling me. I have to take this. Thank you. Nice meeting with you, guys." He said in his polite voice.

The high school students left after saying, "Okay. See you later."

While the crowd leaves for their classes to attend, the new redhead boy appeared in his school uniform.

He turns around, facing the two girls.

Nene gasps in wonderment.

The new boy not only has bright red hair. He has green tips of his short bangs. His hairstyle was medium with his small, sideswiped bangs. The new boy wore his blue shirt and his pair of black pants. He had his green and white uwabaki slippers on too. The redhead boy wears his black and white tie (like the rest of the boys).

Aoi makes a sweet smile at him. "Hi, I hope you're gonna like this school here. I'm Aoi Akane." She remarked.

The redhead boy made his pleasing smile at Aoi. "Oh, thank you, Miss Aoi Akane." He said.

The redhead boy bowed his head to the purple-haired girl. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. Thank you for your warm welcome." He spoke.

The redhead boy looked at Nene slowly, making her nervous in her smile.

And then, the redhead boy bows his head to the cream-colored-haired with teal tips girl. "Allow me to introduce myself, miss. I am Myojo Ryosuke." He stated.

Nene missed her one heartbeat. She let out her breath with an 'Eh!'

Nene made her awkward smile at him. Her whole face was red as an apple. Her magenta eyes have black spirals. "H-H-H-H-H-Hi I'm Bashiro Keke!" She stammered in her fast talk.

Nene shook her head of herself. She did it three times. "I-I mean Yashiro Nene!" She corrected her name.

Myojo (or Ryosuke, whatever you readers prefer to call him) narrowed his eyes halfway down.

He made his confident smile at Yashiro.

Myojo takes Yashiro's right hand. "I know we've just met." He mentioned.

Yashiro became baffled while her face is still red. "Huh?" She inquired in her whisper.

Myojo kissed her back of her right hand gently.

Aoi squeals happily for her friend in the background.

When Myojo faced Yashiro, Yashiro gasps with her widening eyes.

Myojo smiles big at her. "But your name is pretty to me. I would like to get to know you better. My treat at lunchtime." He offered.

Yashiro's eyes got twinkling stars on them. Her heart went racing. And her face gets redder for a moment. "Wh-Wh-Why yes! I would love to eat lunch with you, Myojo!" She exclaims, accepting his invite to eat lunch with him.

Myojo shows his teeth in his charming smile. "Nice! Meet me outside later today! We'll talk while we eat on the bench!" He exclaimed excitingly.

Yashiro nodded her head once at him. She was thrilled. "Okay, I will." Yashiro said.

Myojo let go of her right hand.

He waves a goodbye to her as he walked down the hallway.

She waved back at Myojo.

And finally, Yashiro placed her hands on her chest.

Her magenta eyes got light pink hearts.

Yashiro made her small smile. "Awww." She gasped in her soft voice.

Aoi was happy for her friend. "Nene-Chan...She finally made a friend...A BOY-friend..." She thought.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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