For Romance or For Kindness 10

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Back in the school's rooftop, Kou and Myojo fought each other for Yashiro.

The exorcist boy wins the fight and threatened the redhead with green bangs boy.

Somebody found them fighting at the rooftop area.

"Minamoto-Kouhai! Myojo-Kun!"

They faced the caller swiftly and looked blankly at him.

It was Akane Aoi (school council's vice president and school mystery number one). Akane was perplexed. "What the heck are you guys doing?" He inquired.

Kou becomes awkward. "Aoi-Senpai...I didn't see you come here..." he said.

Akane waves his right hand side to side, feeling confident. "Come on, Minamoto-Kouhai, I don't need an explanation. I understand what you're going thru recently." He assures.

Kou and Myojo are astonished at him. "What?!" They blurted out in unison.

Akane looks at Myojo. "Forgive me with Kou, Myojo-Kun. He seems to be envious of you." Akane explains.

Kou widens his blue eyes at the school council's vice president. "Akane thinks I'm jealous of strawberry boy?! Seriously?!" He thought.

Myojo was relieved. "Oh, I get it, Akane. I have a history of high school boys getting jealous of me. It's only because I captured the schoolgirls' hearts. So I'm clearly the young Casanova." He stated.

Kou can't take any more surprises. "I don't know who's that Casanova guy is. But what?!" He thought.

Akane was glad, facing Kou to Myojo. "Then, the whole jealousy phase was all resolved. Kou, good battle. Shake hands with Myojo-Kun. Myojo, you gotta tell me who's the lucky girl." He remarks.

Kou and Myojo shakes their hands. They gripped firmly.

Kou was serious.

Myojo made his sinister smile.

When the redhead boy with his green bangs looked at Akane, Myojo became happy like a dog.

Myojo walked to Akane. Myojo whispers something to his left ear. School mystery number one was alarmed afterwards.

In the school's hallway, Kou and Akane scrolled down the hall forward.

The exorcist boy stares at him. "Aoi-Senpai...Back at the rooftop...Myojo whispered something to you..." He mentioned solemnly.

Akane was bothered. School mystery number one took a deep breath. "Minamoto-Kouhai...You have a right to be jealous of him...Myojo...He doesn't like Yashiro-San..." Akane confirmed.

Kou gasps in astonishment.

Flashback starts;

Earlier in the school's rooftop...

Myojo goes to Akane's left ear.

Myojo was devilish. "Yashiro Nene is a cutie. But I only choose her because I feel sorry for the ugliest legs of hers. SHE is my advantage." He whispered.

Akane was alarmed, gasping after hearing Myojo's cold words.

Flashback ends;

Akane looks at Kou, still walking down the corridor with him. "There's a bigger problem too. Myojo doesn't want the school to know. For being rich, I don't blame him. But also money means power." He mentions in his lowest volume possible.

To avoid other high school students to hear as they pass-by.

Kou was annoyed. "We can't let Myojo get away with everything. Especially taking advantage of Nene-Senpai." He said.

Akane blinks his eyes once. "Well, we could tell the sensei (teacher). But without proof, Myojo will cover his true objective with lies. It's no help that your brother liked him." He said.

Kou sighs. The exorcist boy was emotionless. "Hey, if I tell Nene about Myojo, will she dump him?" She asked.

Akane ponders with his 'Hmmm' sound.

And then, school mystery number one was smiling.  "Yashiro-San will definitely do it. It might give her the hardest lesson with the filthy rich strawberry jerk." He answered.

Akane brought his baseball bat with silver nails. "If Myojo gets pervy, I'll beat him up without hesitation!" He exclaims.

Kou was worried about him. "Gah! This isn't a time for that! You're scaring me! Put your bat away, Akane!" He panicked.

The red orb levitates above them.

They didn't notice the red hakujoudai was watching Kou and Akane.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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