For Romance or For Kindness 17

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The exorcist boy escorted Ryosuke (Myojo) to the science prep room.

On the way there, Teru walks to his youngest brother.

The blond swordsman has been done with his school council stuff with Akane.

Kou mentions to his eldest brother about Myojo Ryosuke.

The exorcist boy explains Myojo's story to Teru about Myojo's family trouble (only because Ryosuke's mom left a poisonous spider in her child's bedroom).

The blond swordsman agrees to help and protect Myojo with Kou (not only because he's rich. It's because Teru believes Ryosuke's mom could be a bad supernatural).

Teru and Kou took Myojo Ryosuke to their home before dark.


Back in the abandoned girls' restroom, Hanako sat on the windowsill.

Yashiro continued to mop the floor (with soap and water this time).

The ghost boy's assistant turned her head to her right. Yashiro was emotionless a bit.

The ghost boy blinked his eyes once. Hanako was confused with his assistant.

Yashiro rotates her body in clockwise, facing him.

The ghost boy has a sweat-drop on his head, getting nervous with his assistant. "Uh, Yashiro, what's wrong?" He asked.

But his assistant didn't give him her answer.

Yashiro blinks her eyes twice, blushing with her sweet smile.

The ghost boy's assistant slowly walks to Hanako.

The right uwabaki slipper squeaks on the wet hardwood floor.

The ghost boy became alarmed, standing up from the windowsill. "Yashiro!" He shrieked.

The ghost boy's assistant slips her right red and white slipper. Yashiro becomes bewildered, gasping once after she stumbles her both feet.

Hanako dashes to her.

The ghost boy's assistant dropped the mop, losing control of her fall.

The ghost boy catches Yashiro in his arms.

He was on his knees on the hardwood floor.

The ghost boy's assistant was on Hanako's left side. She stared at him bafflingly.

The ghost boy's right hand holds her head. Hanako was melancholy, looking down over her left shoulder. "Yashiro...I will tease you things, just to see you react...But...I will never...ever...take advantage of you..." He admitted in his soft voice.

The ghost boy's assistant blinked her eyes once at him.

Hanako took a deep breath before he faces her. The ghost boy's right hand touches her left cheek. "Yashiro...I do mean it...when I said...I will never stop protecting you...And all the things I said back in the home ec. room..." he said softly.

The ghost boy's assistant reflects on his big amber eyes. "Even I had aftertaste of mint and vanilla ice cream?" She wondered.

Hanako narrowed his eyes halfway down.

The ghost boy made his sad smile at her. "Your ice cream doesn't stop me to show my real feelings for you..." he replied.

Her magenta eyes are widened.

The ghost boy's assistant gasps in awe.

Hanako leans his head close to hers, tilting his right. "Yashiro." He whispered.

The ghost boy closed his eyes, giving her lips his kiss.

Hanako's cheeks was becoming redder than a fire hydrant.

The ghost boy's assistant blinks her eyes a few times in surprise.

And ultimately for one moment, Yashiro closes her eyes, feeling her cheeks warmer than just her blushes.

The ghost boy's assistant right hand touched his left hand.

His left hand held her right hand to his chest.

Yashiro don't want the ghost boy's kiss to last forever (and too short too soon). "His lips might be cold, but the way he kissed me was so gentle." She thought.

Hanako parted his lips from hers with his 'chu' sound.

They both opened their eyes gradually.

Their eyes are halfway up, but they did not stop gazing at each other.

The ghost boy's assistant was blushing hard. "Heh...It would have been more romantic somewhere else than the bathroom..." she chuckled.

The ghost boy smiles at her, laughing lightly with her.

They are beaming, laughing and embracing with each other.

Yashiro rests her head on his chest.

Hanako wrapped her with his right arm.

They don't care about their differences.

For romance or for kindness.

Hanako and Yashiro have fallen in love for each other.

The ghost boy's assistant murmurs, "Can we keep this moment a secret, Hanako?"

The ghost lays his head on top of hers and utters, "Yes, Yashiro...and I love you...Our secret is safe..."

She sighs with ease. "I love you too...Hanako-Kun..." Yashiro whispers.

What do you think? Last part soon!

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