For Romance or For Kindness 11

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In the abandoned girls' restroom, the ghost boy sat on the windowsill, looking out thru the stained glass window.

While Hanako thinks about his assistant, the red orb returns.

The ghost boy glances at the red floating object. "Hakujoudai, what did you learn about Myojo?" He wondered.

The red orb goes to Hanako's right ear.

The ghost boy listened carefully to the red hakujoudai.

It replied with its inaudible eerie voice.

After a few moments, Hanako was disbelieved.

And then, the ghost boy becomes angry.

His both hands extended forth. "Hakujoudai..." he whispers.

Hanako summons his green orb.

The green object twirled around his arms.

The green hakujoudai places itself under his neck.

The ghost boy's black cape appears. It has gold and red collar with clasps on the black cape.

Hanako pulled out his kitchen knife from his black gakuran.

The ghost boy pouts his lips. "Myojo, prepare to meet me again." He mutters.


In the school's track field, Myojo and Yashiro sits on the first row of bleachers.

The ghost boy's assistant was astounded at him. "Oh, Kou was just jealous of you?" She asks.

Myojo made his nervous smile at her. "Yeah...That guy can fight with his staff...I should have known his face sooner..." He answers.

Yashiro sighs of relief with her 'Whew'. The ghost boy's assistant made her sweet smile. "I'm glad Akane-Kun found you and Kou. I hope he'll grow to like you eventually." She mentioned.

Myojo looked down at the grass. "Heh, me too." He agreed.

The redhead boy with his green bangs considers to himself.

Myojo had his thoughts for a while before onigiri with Yashiro.

The ghost boy's assistant looks at the sky with clouds. Yashiro pointed out at something. "Look, Myojo! It's a rainbow!" She exclaimed.

The redhead with green bangs boy glanced up at the sky. Myojo was mind-blown.

The rainbow was visible but it was far away from high school.

The rainbow came from the white cloud.

It barely touched the trees.

After a couple seconds, he faced her with his determining expression.

Myojo holds her hands in his, making her baffled. "Nene...I know it's been yesterday since we met...Now that you and I are good friends...I feel like you are the one who can make me happy...I was lonely...I needed someone who brightens my life...You are my heart and soul...I love you, Nene...Tell me that I'm your boyfriend..." he confessed his love to her.

The ghost boy's assistant blinks her eyes thrice.

There was silence in a moment.

It got awkward after four seconds.

Myojo made his slight smile at her. "Well, what do you say? Am I a boyfriend material to you?" He wonders.

Yashiro blinked her eyes twice.

The silence got more awkward.

She was emotionless at him, but not a word out of her mouth.

Myojo was confused. "Yashiro?" He inquires.

And then, the ghost boy's assistant slowly furrows her eyebrows. "No." was all she reply to him.

What do you think? Next part soon! P.S. There will be another battle scene in the next part. And it's Hanako versus Myojo. In the track field. For music recommendation for the battle scene, Kuraisu Pinch. Will write which sentence to start the music. Thank you!

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