For Romance or For Kindness 2

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There was a black choppy hair boy in the school's rooftop.

This isn't any black-haired boy. It's an apparition of the childlike boy.

He wore his black old school uniform. He had a black gakuran with his few gold buttons. His design of his old school uniform also has a white collar and red hems. He wears his black pants to go with his pair of shoes, along with his red socks. He had his black hat on his head. Under his black gakuran is his long-sleeved white shirt.

What's noticeable of the ghost boy is his white seal on his left cheek.

He wasn't alone.

His two levitating orbs goes to his side.

Red and green.

The ghost boy looks up at the sky, thinking about someone in particular.

Someone he can't stop thinking about in his solemn expression.

He doesn't forget about the girl who likes an apparition like himself.

"Yashiro..." the ghost boy whispered.

He narrows his eyes halfway down.

The ghost boy was thinking deep in his mind. "I don't know how to save you from your sudden fate...But I will make sure no human nor supernatural could ever hurt you..." he thought.

The ghost boy snapped out of his mind. Someone was calling his name.

"Haaa-naaako-Kun!" It was Yashiro who chirps.

She was grinning at him as she walked forward. "There you are!" Yashiro exclaimed.

The ghost boy faced his assistant to his right. Hanako made his slight smile at her. "Hello, Yashiro." He greeted.

She went beside him near his right side.

Hanako and Yashiro are behind the black iron railings.

The reason that the ghost boy has his assistant is she swallowed something that she shouldn't.

The mermaid scales coin-looking piece.

Hanako had to eat one too awhile back.

He granted her wish to be a human again.

Yashiro didn't expect to be a couple with the ghost boy.

It was another wish to Hanako.

The ghost boy's assistant smiles brighter for excitement. "Hey! A boy invited me to eat lunch with him!" She mentions in her exclamation.

Hanako was puzzled at her. "Who? The Minamoto Kid?" He asked.

Yashiro shook her head twice. "Not Kou-Kun." She answered.

And then, Yashiro seems to be blushing. "I was invited by the prettiest redhead boy. He's new in school but he wants to get to know me. Myojo Ryosuke. His hair is like a strawberry. Oh." She speaks happily.

Yashiro's left hand touched her right hand.

Hanako was confused at his assistant, blinking his eyes thrice.

Yashiro was captivated. "He admits that we have just met. But the way Myojo kissed my hand, I may be feeling that I'm the luckiest girl to have a boyfriend. Aww, I'm in love." She murmured.

Hanako was astonished at her. The ghost boy widens his big amber eyes. "A boyfriend?!" He blurted out.

And then, Hanako was pitiful. "Yashiro, you said you've just met the guy." He remarks.

The ghost boy's assistant hugged herself, swaying left to right eagerly. "It was a sign, Hanako. My another chance." She murmurs.

The ghost boy made his sad eyes at her. "Am I not a boyfriend material to you?" He wonders.

Yashiro quit swaying herself for an instant. The ghost boy's assistant faced him. "Oh come on, Hanako. You're more like my friend to me." She replies.

The ghost boy touched her shoulders, making his assistant baffled. Hanako was serious. "Yashiro...Talk to me if this Myojo guy upsets you...He's just a boy...Just don't let him take advantage of you...If he does, go to me, okay?" He urged.

The ghost boy's assistant tilted her head to her right. "Take advantage of...?" She repeated.

Hanako closed his eyes and kissed her Yashiro's left cheek.

After three seconds, the ghost boy made a smooch sound, pulling his head away from her.

Hanako opened his eyes. The ghost boy made his sad smile at her. "I will never stop protecting my assistant. You're my cute daikon." He said softly.

The ghost boy's assistant becomes annoyed at him. "Cute daikon? CUTE DAIKON?!" She pouted.

Hanako recognized that he made a flaw. The ghost boy was dreading. "Ah! Sorry! I meant to say girlfriend!" He panicked, waving his arms frantically.

Yashiro ignored the ghost boy. Because she's too mad for the fact about being called a daikon (just how she appeared and her thick legs and ankles). Yashiro was ready to clobber Hanako. "That's for calling me a daikon, you slimy jerk!" She vented.

Yashiro punched the ghost boy in the face, causing him to spin rapidly.

Hanako got black spirals in his big amber eyes. The ghost boy got dizzy. "Waaah..." he said before he collapsed to the ground.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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