For Romance or For Kindness 9

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Back in the home economics room, the ghost boy and his assistant worked together to make onigiri.

They make more than a dozen.

Hanako placed the last one on the platter plate. The ghost boy was happy. Hanako looks at Yashiro. "There we go! All done!" He chirps, showing her the big plate full of onigiris.

The ghost boy's assistant was pleased. Her magenta eyes got twinkling stars. Yashiro has her fists to her chin. "Ooo! The onigiri set of fifteen! They're so yummy as I see them!" She squeals.

The ghost boy was elated. Hanako began to drool from his bottom lip. "Ahhh! I want one!" He exclaims.

Yashiro gestures him to the platter plate. "Well, go on! Take one!" She insisted.

Hanako was excited. The ghost boy pointed to himself. "Me? You're offering me your onigiri?" He wondered.

Yashiro nodded her head once. "Yes, Hanako-Kun." She replied.

The ghost boy picked a piece off of the big plate. "Yashiro, you are my best assistant-" he tries to finish his sentence.

Hanako took one look of an onigiri.

On the ghost boy's right hand, the onigiri is made of white rice and nori (seaweed sheet).

But it seemed to be as small as a tangerine.

The onigiri has the precise triangle shape, but it seems small.

Hanako made his slight smile. His big amber eyes are widened.

The ghost boy faces her, gesturing at the onigiri. "Uh, Yashiro...Your onigiri...It's...Petite..." he aforementioned.

The ghost boy's assistant was smiling. Yashiro shows her hands to him. "Oh! I have little hands! It's as big as I can make!" She explained in her cheery voice.

Hanako was perplexing at his assistant at first.

And then, the ghost boy gradually interlocked his fingers with hers.

Hanako was passionate at her, making Yashiro baffled. "Your hands are as delicate as the cherry blossoms. Your eyes are as breathtaking as the sunset. Your hair smells wonderful as the scent of mint and vanilla. You're beautiful just the way you are. Don't change a thing." He recited, attempting to infatuate her.

The ghost boy's assistant expanded her eyes. "I'm...beautiful?" She gasped in her awestruck expression.

Yashiro's cheeks gets redder pretty hard. "Th-Th-That is so-so sweet of-of you..." she stuttered.

The ghost boy's assistant glanced away from him. "But the last part about my hair..." she trailed off.

Yashiro narrowed her eyelids halfway down. "This is actually my aftertaste of ice cream last night." She admitted.

The ghost boy instantly became surprised at his assistant. "Ice cream?" He repeated about the scent of mint and vanilla.

Yashiro nodded her head three times, getting flustered. "Uh-huh." She confirms.

Hanako let go of her hands.

The ghost boy's assistant wiggles her hands several times.

The ghost boy was shocked and embarrassed at the same time. Hanako touched his black hat with his both hands. "What the heck did I say to Yashiro?!" He thought in his frantic state.

The ghost boy re-picked up the onigiri again. "Thank you for the onigiri! I gotta go!" He said in his fast talking mode.

Hanako disappeared with his red hakujoudai.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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