For Romance or For Kindness 12

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Note: Here's the part where the Hanako-Kun fans are waiting for! The battle scene between Hanako and Myojo! Cheer for our favorite school wonder! It's a fight for love, guys! Music recommendation; Kuraisu Pinch. Start at The ghost boy pointed his knife at him. Thank you and enjoy reading!

Myojo became bewildered. His bright red eyes are widening. "What did you say?" He gasps in his wondering.

Yashiro was frowning at him. The ghost boy's assistant has second thoughts. "I said 'No.' N-O." She replied in her firm voice.

Myojo was stunned. Too shock to take her rejection.

Yashiro inhaled before she speaks. "You may look hot but your brain is mushed up. Your fencing is good, I'll admit. But I'm glad Kou-Kun beat you. You wanna learn a new thing. But you made me do all the work. My real friends will never take advantage of me. I'm going to see Hanako-Kun. Goodbye and good luck with school." Yashiro vented.

The ghost boy's assistant try to stand up from the bleachers.

But Yashiro got halted.

The ghost boy's assistant was confused. "Huh?" She inquires.

Yashiro looks down at her hands.

The redhead with green bangs boy tied her wrists with rope.

The ghost boy's assistant was spooked. Yashiro glances at him. "What is this?!" She freaked out in her inquiry.

Myojo made his wicked smile. "It would have been easy if you say yes. But you're playing hard to get girl. Perhaps I could mention now that I'm gonna be a wealthiest guy alive next. Once I graduate here." He revealed his true colors.

Yashiro was speechless. "Wait?! Myojo's rich?!" She thought.

The redhead boy with his green bangs pulls her hands in a bind towards him.

The ghost boy's assistant gasped with her 'Eh!'

Yashiro was wide-eyed. The ghost boy's assistant knew what's he trying to do. It scared her.

Yashiro looked away to her left from him. "No! Please! I don't like you!" She shrieked.

Myojo attempts to kiss her, but Yashiro kept looking away a few times.

The ghost boy's assistant looks to her right. "Hana-" she efforts to scream, but Yashiro got cut off by Myojo.

His right hand gagged her mouth.

The redhead with green bangs boy narrows his eyes halfway down. "Don't even think about calling for help. You better be ready for anything. Just to change your mind." He utters.

The ghost boy's assistant writhes her head, getting him to remove his hand but failed. "I don't care if you're rich! I'm not changing my mind! Let me go!" She muffled.

Myojo was devious. "You know, I do hope you'll grow to like me eventually." He smirked.

Suddenly, something attacked him from under the bleachers.

Myojo got flying in the air. He was in the air for two seconds until fallen to the ground.

Myojo glanced up. He was mad to see a familiar boy.

The red hakujoudai floats over the first row of the bleachers.

On the tenth row of the bleachers, someone did saved the cream-colored-hair with teal tips girl.

The ghost boy's assistant sits on the bleacher. She was surprised. The ropes are loose of her hands.

The pair of black shoes stood on the ninth row of the bleachers.

Hanako stands in front of Yashiro.


The ghost boy pointed his knife at him. His left hand shields her. "Myojo, she don't like you. Money doesn't make her happy. You're the lowest of the low." He muttered angrily.

Myojo clenched his teeth. He was consumed with wrath. Myojo gets up quickly. "I'll fight you! I will fight for love!" He rants, pulling out his rapier.

Hanako was resolute. The ghost boy shifts his head forward. "Forcing her to like you is not love! You're the devil!" He retorts.

Myojo runs up to the bleachers.

She was frightened. "Hanako!" Yashiro warns the ghost boy.

Hanako hurries down the bleacher seats. "Stay here, Yashiro!" He exclaims.

Hanako and Myojo charged at each other.

The ghost boy clinks his knife against the rapier.

Myojo swings his rapier to his left.

Hanako evades it to his right.

Myojo makes his fighting stance.

Hanako poses his fighting stance too.

Myojo and Hanako are standing in the fifth row of the bleachers.

Myojo was irritated. "The ghost boy who protects a human girl. What a tragic love story will turn out. A young love in fact." He perceived.

Hanako focused on Myojo fiercely.

Myojo chuckles malevolently.

And then, Myojo tries to go up after Yashiro.

She gasps in fright.

Hanako becomes dismayed. The ghost boy jumps off of the bleacher seat, floating over to her.

Myojo was about to slash her to his right.

Yashiro froze in fear.

Hanako flies in front of her, before his knife clanks at the rapier.

Myojo swishes his rapier at her again. "Step aside, spirit!" He demands.

Hanako blocked it with his knife. The ghost boy was dead serious. "No! You have to stop! You're lost in rage!" He shouted.

Myojo snapped out of his anger. He blinked his eyes several times. Myojo was emotionless.

Yashiro trembles.

Hanako was solemn. "You missed your parents, have you?" He asked.

When the ghost boy mentioned to him, Myojo bright red eyes gets teary.

Myojo didn't give Hanako his answer.

Myojo turned around instantly.

Myojo sat on the eighth row of the bleachers. He clings onto his both arms.

Myojo let his tears spill on his cheeks.

Hanako held his right shoulder. "I know it's hard. Things like this will work out. It's all right. Let it all out." He said in his soft voice.

Myojo leaned his head down, sobbing like a little boy.

Yashiro made her sad smile. She closed her eyes, sighing a breath of relief.

What do you think? Next part soon!

For Romance or For Kindness (A Hanashiro Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now