For Romance or For Kindness 3

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The exorcist boy with his blond hair walked down the hallway.

He faced straightforward, detecting a redhead with green bangs boy.

The exorcist boy was confused at first.

And then, he decided to be friendly with his slight smile. The exorcist boy waves his left hand at him. "Hey." He greeted.

The redhead with green bangs boy detected the exorcist boy. He stopped walking after the exorcist boy does. The redhead with green bangs boy was in a good mood. He waved back at the exorcist boy. "Why, hello to you too." He greets back.

The exorcist boy made his puzzling smile at him. "You're new here, right?" He inquires.

The redhead boy with green bangs bowed to the exorcist boy. "Myojo Ryosuke. And yeah, I just moved to this town." He introduces.

The exorcist boy bows back to him. "Oh, I'm Minamoto Kou. Nice to meetcha." He stated.

Myojo crisscrossed his arms. "Minamoto, huh? Like the class president of this school?" He wonders.

Kou raises his right fist. "Yeah! That's my brother! Minamoto Teru!" He replied in his exclamation.

Myojo raised his left eyebrow at him. "So, you and your brother are exorcists?" He asked.

Kou nodded his head once at him. "Yeah, that's right!" He answered in his exclamation.

Myojo narrowed his eyes down a bit. "That sounds cool." He said.

Kou points up with his left index finger. "Word of advice...There are harmless apparitions wandering around...Especially the pink ones called Mokke..." he warned.

Myojo smiles guiltily. "Funny you mentioned that...I'd happened to meet the...Mokke, was it?...It offered me a piece of hard candy..." he chuckled.

Kou was perplexed. "Is it strawberry? Because your hair looks like a strawberry." He guessed.

Myojo nods his head and says, "Yeah..."

And then, Myojo checks his wristwatch on his left hand. The redhead boy with his green bangs was surprised yet smiling. "My, it's almost time for class! Can't wait to see her around lunchtime! Nice meeting ya, Kou!" He exclaimed as he hurried to his assigned classroom.

The exorcist boy was mystified at Myojo. "Her? Who's her that Myojo guy is referring to?" He inquired in his whisper.


Time flies around noon in Kamome Gakuen Academy.

In the outdoor seating area, Yashiro sits on the wooden bench, waiting for someone to show up.

The ghost boy's assistant holds her medium-sized pink box on her lap.

Yashiro was emotionless yet patient.

The red hakujoudai floats behind the ghost boy's assistant stealthily.

Yashiro looks to her left.

The red orb flew away immediately.

The ghost boy's assistant sighs.

Yashiro waited for five minutes.

She was hungry but anxious what kept Myojo that long.

"Hey, Yashiro..."

The ghost boy's assistant startles, glancing to her right.

It was Hanako who appeared, smiling at her. The ghost boy has his hands on his cheeks. Hanako rested his arms on top of the wooden bench. "Still waitin' for that Myojo guy?" He asks.

Yashiro's eyes are widened at the ghost boy. "Eh?!" She gasped loudly.

And then, Yashiro looked away, acting aloof. "So what if I am, Hanako-Kun." She answered.

The ghost boy becomes confused. "Aren't ya gonna eat while you wait?" He wonders.

Yashiro gets a bit confident. "I wouldn't worry much. Besides, I'm not hungry yet." She fibbed in her reply.

And for a moment, they became bewildered after Yashiro's stomach rumbles loudly.

Hanako made his mischievous smile at her. "Reeeally?" He inquired.

The ghost boy's assistant shifted her magenta eyes at his big amber eyes.

Hanako sways his right index finger back and forth. "You must eat something before it gets cold." He aforesaid.

Yashiro gets pouty. "I'll eat when Myojo-Kun gets here." She argued.

The ghost boy was annoyed. "I hate to break your hopes up, Yashiro..." He said.

Hanako snatched her pink box with his left hand instantly.

Yashiro was dismayed at the ghost boy. "Hanako-Kun! That's my lunch!" She whined.

The ghost boy was serious. "I'm not letting you miss your lunch time, Yashiro. And that Myojo guy can't make it today." He aforementioned.

The ghost boy's assistant was befuddled. "Huh?" She inquires.

And then, Yashiro stared at him. "How do you know that, Hanako-Kun?" She wondered.

The ghost boy opens the pink lid off of her lunchbox. Hanako stares and grins like a child at her. "Oh! The kid introduced me to him earlier!" He replied in his exclamation.

Hanako snaps his right fingers. A pair of white chopsticks appeared on the ghost boy's right hand.

Yashiro blinked her eyes twice. "Kou-Kun did?" She asked.

Hanako picked out a small piece of chicken. It got mostly coated in white rice. The ghost boy lifted it with his white chopsticks. "Mmhm." He answered.

Yashiro became astonished at him. "Ha-Ha-Hanako-Kun! Wh-What are you doing?!" She panicked, scooting herself to the other side of the wooden bench.

The ghost boy was grinning at her. Hanako moves a piece of chicken to Yashiro's mouth. "Why, I'm feeding my assistant. Say ahhh." He murmured.

Yashiro was stunned at Hanako. Her eyes are fully magenta. Her mouth made a shape of the pentagon. "Ahhh!" She whisper-shrieked in her girly voice.

The ghost boy shoved her piece of chicken in her mouth.

Yashiro gets speechless. The ghost boy's assistant closes her mouth suddenly. "Nom!?" She muffled bewilderingly.

Hanako slowly pulls the white chopsticks out of her mouth. "Can't have you clean the girls' bathroom on an empty stomach." He remarks.

Yashiro chews her piece of chicken. The ghost boy's assistant savors the flavor with little rice. Yashiro shook her head. "Mm-mm." She muffles (Na-ah).

And ultimately, Yashiro becomes more shocked. Her magenta eyes are widened. "Mm?!" She muffled (Eh?!).

What do you think? Next part soon!
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!

For Romance or For Kindness (A Hanashiro Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now