For Romance or For Kindness 14

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Myojo left the science prep room. The redhead with green bangs boy faces the familiar blond-haired boy.

It was Kou. He was still emotionless. "Hey, Myojo..." he started.

Myojo was glum. "I need to apologize to Nene." He sighed.

Kou blinks his eyes twice at him.

Myojo glanced his head to his left. "I didn't ask to be a rich boy. I wasn't born to be one." He whispered.

The exorcist boy was confused. "Okay...What about your parents?" He wondered.

Myojo blinks his eyes once. "I was raised in the Myojo estate. They adopted me from the orphanage." He replied.

Kou don't get it. "Wait...You've been adopted by the Myojo's for how long?" He asked.

The redhead with green bangs boy looks at Kou again. "Four or five. I thought they took me in because they loved me." He answered, but his voice wasn't optimistic.

Kou was sympathetic. "Tell me something...What happened with your adoptive parents?" He wonders.

Myojo sighs. "They always consider about my future. They said 'Money will keep us living'. If it's for the family and home, what about everyone else then." He replies.

And then, Myojo was frustrated. "I don't mind my monthly allowances. But it was too much for me to bear." He mentioned.

Myojo was clinging his left arm. "My mother...expects" he mutters.

The exorcist boy shrugs his shoulders. "Except you to do what exactly?" He asks.

Myojo swallows himself. "My mother expects me be an entrepreneur..." he answers.

Kou and Myojo are putting three black dots above their heads.

And then, Kou was bothered. "Myojo...I'll take you to Nene...Apologize to her first...And tell her what you've told me...We'll still keep your secrets..." he avowed.

The redhead boy with his green bangs nodded his head. "Okay." He acknowledged.

The exorcist boy lead him to the abandoned girls' restroom.

Kou and Myojo meets Hanako and Yashiro again in the abandoned girls' restroom.

Myojo and Yashiro faced at each other awkwardly.

Myojo bows and says in his apologetic voice, "Yashiro Nene, I am sorry for taking advantage of you."

And then, Myojo kept his head down, sweating stressfully. "You have a right to dump me. I was only doing as I was told by my mother." He admitted.

The ghost boy's assistant was surprised at Myojo.

And then, Yashiro bowed her head at Myojo. The ghost boy's assistant was emotionless. "Ryosuke-Kun, I accept your apology. And I hoped you and I will still be friends." She acknowledges.

Myojo and Yashiro gets up from bowing.

The ghost boy floats over to Myojo, making him nervous. Hanako was annoyed. "Is this all you have to say to Yashiro, Strawberryhead?" He wonders.

Myojo took a deep breath. "I'm not finished yet." He replies.

Hanako and Yashiro are confused at Myojo.

The redhead boy with his green bangs explained to them. Myojo tells them for what he tells Kou earlier.

After Myojo was done explaining, the ghost boy and his assistant was baffled.

Yashiro blinked her eyes once. "An entrepreneur?" She inquired.

Hanako blinked his eyes twice. "And you were adopted by the rich. How lucky can you be." He said.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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