For Romance or For Kindness 4

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It was after school in Kamome Gakuen Academy.

Yashiro wears her pink rubber gloves. The ghost boy's assistant also wore her white cap and apron for one reason.

Yashiro mops the floor with her mop in the abandoned girls' restroom.

And the ghost boy's assistant was bothered. "Haaa-naaa-kooo-kuuun...Am I done yeeet?" She complained in her inquiry.

The ghost boy was cheerful. Hanako as usual sat on the windowsill. The ghost boy just enjoys watching his assistant clean. "No way, Yashiro! Not until the whole place is all spick and span!" He exclaimed.

The ghost boy's assistant was crestfallen. "That's gonna take forever! I need to feed my hamster! Black Canyon is hungry by now!" She moaned.

Hanako was frowning at her. The ghost boy didn't buy her pity. Hanako waves his arms in the air frantically. "Excuses, excuses! Ugh! Complaining will get you nowhere, Yashiro!" He vented.

The ghost boy's assistant stops mopping the hardwood floor.

Yashiro was irritated. The ghost boy's assistant has her left hand on her hip. Yashiro faces him. "Actually, I have a complaint with you, Hanako." She confronted.

The ghost boy was smirking at her with his smile. "For what? One of the Mokkes steals your smartphone again?" He teased.

And then, Hanako shrugs his shoulders. "The kid and I helped you the other day. And you got it back." He explained.

The ghost boy points out with his right index finger. "Just keep your stuff safe from them. Luckily, they don't know how to get into your smartphone. The face ID on your lock-screen is a genius." He said happily.

Yashiro narrowed her eyelids halfway down. "You didn't have to threatened them with your knife, you know. But thanks anyway." She mentioned.

And then, the ghost boy's assistant made her puzzled expression. "Hey, Hanako, what happened to Myojo-Kun?" She inquired.

The ghost boy tilted his head to his left. Hanako was emotionless. "Hm?" He hummed.

Yashiro furrows her eyebrows. "Don't "Hm?" me!" She pouted.

And all of a sudden, the exorcist boy arrived.

Kou was irked yet glad. "Okay, Hanako! Ryosuke just joined a club!" He hollered.

And then, the exorcist boy becomes bemused after seeing Yashiro. "Nene?" He inquires.

The ghost boy's assistant was astounded at the exorcist boy. "Kou-Kun! Good timing!" She exclaims.

The exorcist boy blinks his eyes once at her.

Yashiro made a sweet smile. "Kou, what did you do after you introduced Myojo-Kun to Hanako?" She wondered.

The ghost boy was grimacing. Hanako crosses his both arms, gesturing to a letter X.

The ghost boy kept swinging his arms in a frantic. Hanako mouthed, "Don't tell her. Don't tell her. Don't tell her."

But the ghost didn't use his voice while mouthing at Kou.

The exorcist boy looks at Hanako funny.

Before Yashiro faced Hanako again, Kou made his awkward smile. The exorcist boy's head was sweating. "Ummm, well Nene-Senpai! I forgot my lunch! And-And I asked Tsuchigomori-Sensei to use the home economics room to-to make lunch together! That's all!" He replied nervously.

The ghost boy's assistant stares at Kou blankly, blinking her eyes three times.

Hanako contemplated at Kou suspiciously. The ghost boy mouths, "You forgot your lunch?"

Yashiro was baffled. "You and Myojo-Kun made lunch together in the home economics room?" She asks.

The exorcist boy nodded his head a few times. "Yeah! But-But he did told me about meeting you again around noontime! I didn't know what he was talking about after he left for class!" He answers in his exclamation.

And finally, the ghost boy's assistant was relieved. "Oh, so that's why Myojo haven't make it today. Thanks, Kou." She said.

The exorcist boy scratched his back of his head. "Hey, anytime." He stated.

Yashiro became happy. The ghost boy's assistant resumes mopping with her mop.

Yashiro forgets her venting and sings a relaxing tune. She goes 'la, la, la' in her girlish voice.

Kou grins sheepishly at Hanako.

After Kou shrugged, Hanako facepalmed himself with his left hand.


Yashiro was ready to leave her high school.

The ghost boy's assistant was solemn because...

There was rain outside, and she has forgotten her umbrella.

Yashiro stands at the entrance of high school, sighing in her worried face.

The ghost boy's assistant glanced to her left.

Yashiro gasps in surprise.

It was the redhead boy with his green bangs.

Myojo (or Ryosuke) offers her to share his light blue umbrella. The redhead with green bangs boy was delighted at her. "You would like to walk home, Miss Yashiro Nene? You can share with my umbrella with me if you like to." He offered.

The ghost boy's assistant was beaming at him. "Oh, Myojo-Kun! Of course I love to walk home with you! My pet hamster will be happy to see me!" She accepted.

And so, Yashiro left high school with Myojo. They are both under the light blue umbrella.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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