For Romance or For Kindness 5

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On the next day, Yashiro arrives in the practice garden.

The ghost boy's assistant wears her best gardening clothes.

Yashiro plows the dark brown soil with her gardening hoe.

The redhead boy with his green bangs came to the practice garden too.

He wore his black shirt and his pair of dark blue denim jeans.

The ghost boy's assistant peeked to her right side. Yashiro was enthusiastic. "Hey! Myojo-Kun!" She squealed.

He waved his left hand at her, smiling. "Hello, Miss Yashiro Nene." Myojo greets in his friendly manner.

Yashiro waves her right hand forward at him several times. The ghost boy's assistant was bashful. "Oh, oh, oh come on, Myojo! Call me Nene!" She giggled.

He fetches the gardening hoe. Myojo was enjoying her company. "All right...Nene...then you can call me Ryosuke..." he remarked.

Yashiro stares at Myojo with her dreamy magenta eyes. The ghost boy's assistant leans on her gardening hoe. "Ah...Ryosuke..." she thought.

Myojo plowed where Yashiro was plowing at.

After she just stared at him, daydreaming of her future in a few moments, Yashiro gradually tilts herself to her left.

The bottom of the gardening hoe slides off from the dirt.

Ryosuke was concentrating on the garden patch. He doesn't know Nene gets distracted by her daydream.

Yashiro woke up from her distraction. The ghost boy's assistant becomes alarmed. "Eh!" She gasped in her shriek.

Her eyes went fully magenta. Yashiro spreads her arms wide. The ghost boy's assistant has nothing to save herself from being a klutz. Yashiro was almost hit to the ground. "Aaah!" She screamed.

The ghost boy's assistant closed her eyes.

Before she crashed to the soil, a pair of boy's arms in the old black school uniform catches her.

Myojo halts himself. He looked at Yashiro swiftly.

Myojo was disbelieved for what he witnessed. "Nene?!" He freaked out.

The ghost boy's assistant was perturbing. She braces herself for getting dirty from the ground.

But someone rescued her from falling.


The ghost boy's assistant's eyes opened up instantly.

Yashiro let out her gasp. The ghost boy's assistant glances to her right.

When she looks up, the ghost boy's assistant was more surprised.

It was Hanako who caught her in his arms.

The ghost boy gazes at her magenta eyes. Hanako was melancholy. "Yashiro, are you okay?" He wonders.

The ghost boy's assistant doesn't look away from Hanako.

The ghost boy's gloomy face reflected on Yashiro's left eye.

The ghost boy's assistant got the color of light pink on her cheeks.

Yashiro was solemn. "Yeah..." she replies in her whisper.

Hanako carries her up cautiously, getting his assistant back on her feet to the ground.

Yashiro gazed at his big amber eyes.

The ghost boy held her left cheek. "You have to be more careful. You shouldn't go daydreaming during your outdoor activity. Okay?" He whispered.

The ghost boy's assistant blinked her eyes once. "Hanako-Kun..." she whispers.

And then, Yashiro became flustered. The ghost boy's assistant had her hair clips sticking up. Her magenta eyes got black spirals. "You're way too close to my face. And Ryosuke-Kun is watching us." She uttered, getting weirded out with the ghost boy.

Hanako and Yashiro looked at Ryosuke.

The ghost boy was confused at first.

And ultimately, Hanako smiles at him mischievously. "Hey, Strawberryhead! This is my assistant I've talked about yesterday! And she LIKES me!" He chirped.

Yashiro was shocked at the ghost boy, shaking her head four times. "No, I didn't say that!" She exclaimed.

Ryosuke was skeptic at the ghost boy. "Wait, Strawberryhead?!" He argues.

Hanako was grinning at him. "You get it yet, Strawberryhead? Yashiro here has already tied her fate to mine!" He confirmed.

The ghost boy's assistant efforts to shove Hanako away lots of times but failed. "Hey! Cut it out!" She shrieked.

Ryosuke was annoyed. "Tied with what? The invisible red string of fate?" He guesses.

The ghost boy reveals a platinum sparkly coin on his left fingers. "More like swallowing the mermaid scales." He utters.

Yashiro was pouting at the ghost boy. "That does it, Hanako-Kun!" She ranted.

The ghost boy's assistant grunts.

Yashiro's right slipper stomped on Hanako's left black shoe.

The ghost boy was stunned. "OW!" He exclaims.

Hanako released his assistant.

Yashiro backs away from the ghost boy.

Hanako lifts his left leg, rubbing his left shoe.

The ghost boy was frowning at his assistant. "What was that for, Yashiro?!" He wondered in his exclamation.

The ghost boy's assistant was resolute at the ghost boy. "Strawberryhead or not, Hanako...Ryosuke...Ryosuke is my boyfriend..." she replied in her muttering.

The ghost boy becomes concerned at Yashiro.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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