For Romance or For Kindness 13

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In the science prep room, Kou goes to see Tsuchigomori-Sensei for his words of wisdom.

But school mystery number five was deadpanning. "Mister Minamoto, what is it again exactly are you telling me?" He asked.

The exorcist boy was anxious. "Myojo is taking advantage of Nene! And I have no proof of his act of crime!" He answered in his exclamation.

Tsuchigomori raises his right eyebrow at him. "Mister Myojo is taking advantage of Miss Yashiro?" He inquired.

Kou waved his arms frantically. "Spider-face-Sensei!! I'm serious!! I already told Nene about Myojo acting like he didn't learn anything!! He doesn't like her!!" He panicked.

Tsuchigomori was annoyed at the exorcist boy. "Seriously, Spider-face!?" He argues

The pair of green and white slippers stepped in the doorway.

Tsuchigomori looks over to his left. School mystery number five was curious yet deadpanning. "Yes, Mister Myojo?" He wonders.

Kou glanced himself from behind, becoming awkward. "Wah! It's you again!" He freaked out.

Myojo was melancholy, looking down at the floor. The redhead with green bangs boy clings his left arm. "I'm looking for a school guidance counselor...I've done something...that I shouldn't...I need to know where..." he replied.

The exorcist boy blinked his eyes twice. Kou was emotionless.

Tsuchigomori nodded his head. School mystery number five was interested yet deadpanning. "You can talk to me, Mister Myojo. I'm not a guidance counselor. But I will do my best to help." He suggested.

Myojo looked up at Tsuchigomori. Myojo swallows himself. "Okay." He sighed.

Tsuchigomori waves at Kou. "Close the door after you leave, Mister Minamoto. This is a personal matter." He instructed.

The exorcist boy try to protest, but he kept his mouth shut.

Kou shuts the door after he left the science prep room.

Myojo steps forward slowly to the science teacher. The redhead with green bangs boy took a deep breath. "Sensei...I regretted something that...I caused her feelings to get hurt..." he remarked.

Tsuchigomori put his hands together. School mystery number five was serious. "What did you do, Mister Myojo?" He asks.

Myojo blinked his eyes once. "...I took advantage of Yashiro Nene..." he answered in his confession.

Tsuchigomori was not surprised. "I see..." he perceives.

And then, Tsuchigomori sighs. "Is there any more concerns you want to talk to me about?" He wondered.

Myojo was remorseful. "Yes...The rumor about me being rich is true...But it's only until my high school graduation...Sensei...I don't have parents...I was adopted by the Myojo estate...Lord and Lady Myojo raised me...They think money is their true happiness...But for me...It doesn't make me happy..." He replies.

Tsuchigomori was still deadpanning. But on his inside, school mystery number five pities the sad redhead with green bangs boy.

Myojo expects to be scolded by a teacher.

But it's not what Tsuchigomori would do. "Thank you for telling me. Some teachers will say strict things to their students. Nagisa and I are different. We are firm but not harsh. Your secret is safe with me." He stated.

Myojo was baffled at him.

Tsuchigomori huffs himself before he says, "As for taking advantage of Miss Yashiro, try to apologize to her. That is all I can tell you. Don't be so hard of yourself."

School mystery number five knew Myojo would come. Tsuchigomori checked Nene's white book earlier from his other room.

Myojo visits Tsuchigomori-Sensei for telling his biggest regret. Taking advantage of Yashiro Nene.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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