For Romance or For Kindness 7

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Although, Yashiro and Ryosuke are in different classes. But it doesn't change for them about hanging out like friends.

Hanako sat on the windowsill of the abandoned girls' restroom.

The ghost boy plays the Hanafuda card game with a Mokke.

Hanako was glum. The ghost boy thinks back earlier at the practice garden.

When Hanako caught his assistant from falling in his arms, the ghost boy touches her left cheek.

He nearly kissed Yashiro.

Hanako can't figure out what's wrong of himself.

The ghost boy has his face red as a fire hydrant.

The pink bunny-looking stares at Hanako blankly. "You okay there?" It inquires.

As for the exorcist boy, Kou was determined. The exorcist boy peeks from behind the class door.

The home economics room door.

The ghost boy's assistant was baffled at Myojo. Yashiro brought a big bag of white rice to the countertop. "Ryosuke-Kun, why are we making onigiris? Don't you have your own lunch?" She wonders, putting it down on the countertop.

The redhead with green bangs (Ryosuke and Myojo are the same person. Thanks for wondering) sets up the rice-maker. Myojo was confident. "Not really, I always buy lunch. I'm just psyched to try this." He replies, plugging the rice-maker plug into the outlet on the wall.

Yashiro goes to the fridge, searching for the nori (seaweed sheets). The ghost boy's assistant finds the clear packet in the right bottom drawer. "You haven't made onigiri before?" She asks.

Myojo fills the little black pot with water, running from the sink's faucet. "Well, ha ha ha ha, it's my first time." He answers with his chuckle.

Yashiro brought the packet of nori over. The ghost boy's assistant was smiling at him. "I can teach you how to make the onigiri. I'm good at them." She assures.

Myojo grins at her, chuckling with her.

Yashiro giggles in her cute smile with him.

Kou rolled his eyes at them. "Onigiri? Seriously?" He thought.

The exorcist boy keeps his blue eyes on Myojo. Kou was annoyed. "What is with that rich strawberry guy? What does Myojo guy want with Nene? He was acting like a nice person, like being a good friend to her." He thought.

The ghost boy's assistant finished scooping white rice into the little black pot.

Myojo shut the rice-maker lid.

Yashiro set the timer for the rice for him.

Ryosuke was amazed yet embarrassed about cooking rice, or not knowing how to use the rice-maker well.

Kou clenched his teeth, raising his right fist up. "That idiot Myojo. He's so dumb in this room. AND a total jerk. I can't let him treat Nene like this. But I don't have a proof that Myojo is just using her as his excuse for a rich boy. She cannot really fall for that guy." He thought.

And then, Kou was emotionless at Myojo. In a second, the exorcist boy was firm. "Has Myojo learn anything from Nene? Oh no! That sly rich strawberry guy is really gonna get it! I gotta convince Nene that Myojo is a real pain!" He thought again.

Kou steps away from the door. The exorcist boy raises his right fist up high. Kou was angry. "I'll show Myojo!! He's gonna have to beat me if he wants Nene!! I'm not letting him take advantage of her any longer!!" He thought one more time.

Kou enters the doorway and shouts, "MYOJO!!!"

What do you think? Next part soon!

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