For Romance or For Kindness 8

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Note: In this part, there's gonna be a battle between Kou the exorcist boy and Ryosuke the rich boy. Read more for Ryosuke's fighting style. Thank you. P.S. Put on Ainetaburu for the battle scene. My recommendation for this. Start when Kou pulls out his raiteijou. That's when it starts.

"MYOJO!!!" The exorcist boy shouted, pointing in accusation at Ryosuke.

Myojo and Yashiro glanced at Kou bewilderingly.

The exorcist boy was mad. "Meet me at the rooftop, strawberry boy!! We need to talk face-to-face!!" He urges, but his voice of irritation sounds more like a challenge.

The ghost boy's assistant was concerning. "Kou-Kun, what's gotten into you?" She inquired.

Myojo faced Yashiro. The redhead with green bangs boy isn't worried. Myojo was confident. "I have to take this, Nene. It was fun making onigiris together." He aforesaid.

Myojo left the home economics room, following the exorcist boy.

Yashiro gets more fearful. "Kou-Kun! Ryosuke-Kun! Don't leave me like this!" She exclaimed.

The rice-maker dings for the timer going off.

The ghost boy's assistant opens the rice-maker lid. Her sweat-drop appears on her head. "Aw, I have to make all the onigiris by myself. Great." She thought.

Someone taps her left shoulder twice, making Yashiro turn around.

The ghost boy's assistant was astounded at a familiar face.

It was Hanako, making his childlike smile on his face. "I see you're doing onigiri." He perceives.

And then, the ghost boy picks up the packet of nori (seaweed sheets) with his left hand. "Make triangles with your rice. I'll help you with nori." He decided.


At the school's rooftop, Kou and Ryosuke meet face-to-face, distancing more than six feet.

The redhead with green bangs boy was curious. "Okay, Minamoto-Kun, what's bothering you lately?" He asked.

The exorcist boy didn't give Myojo his answer.


Kou pulls out his raiteijou. The exorcist boy was resolute. "YOU are a bother to me, Myojo. I don't care if you're full of money bags. 'Cause Nene is not your servant. You can't treat her like she's your slave. It's not right." He confronts.

For a split moment, Myojo smirks like a villain. "You've been observing me, exorcist boy." He discerned.

Myojo brings out his rapier. "Your insight on me was not wrong. Perhaps I will accept your invitation to fight." He uttered.

Kou and Myojo made their fighting stances.

They both ran in their haste.

Kou swung his golden staff while Myojo swings his silver sword.

They clinked and clanked at each other.

Kou and Myojo danced around while swinging their weapons like waltzing with two armored knights.

The gold and the silver.

The redhead with green bangs boy was malevolent. The exorcist boy was fierce.

Myojo laughs evilly while Kou goes grunting every time he hit him with his raiteijou.

The exorcist boy prepares his next swish movement. "How dare you pretend to like Nene!!" He yelled while he swishes his golden staff.

Kou's raiteijou hits Myojo's rapier with a clink.

Myojo grins wickedly. He readies his silver sword to swing at. "That was part of my plot!! No one will believe that I'm the bad guy!!" Myojo retorted while he swished his rapier.

Myojo strikes at Kou's golden staff with a clank.

The exorcist boy was infuriated with him. Kou efforts another swish. "I ain't letting you get away with it!!!!" He roared.

Myojo went swishing his silver sword back at the exorcist boy.

But Kou knocks Myojo's rapier off of his right hand with his raiteijou.

The rapier flies off in the air. And then, the silver sword clinks and clanks to the ground.

The exorcist boy threatens Myojo with his golden staff, making him stunned.

Kou was much angrier than before. "Tell Nene-Senpai you don't like her. After that, you leave her be, got it?" He demanded in his whispering voice.

The exorcist boy won the fight against Ryosuke Myojo.

When Kou tried to threaten him again, somebody found the two boys fighting.

It was not Hanako.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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