Part 11 - Erasing memories

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Teachers were having the discussion while all of us were cleaning up the school.

I say we do the spell of erasing the memories of humans of us.

Dad would decide what's best for humans.

Hope says normally I don't agree with you but you are right we have to erase their memories.

I say I know that spell that we have to use we just need to keep the teachers inside with this flame of imprisonment. MG you would go and place it in dad's office.

Kaleb and Jed you and your guys would take the officers out of this school so that we can do the spell.

Any human outside the Salvatore boarding house would forget about the existence of the supernatural. They will think it's fictional.

Kaleb says sounds like a plan.

Hope says what's the spell Lizzie?

I tell everyone the spell.

MG goes to inform dad that school is all cleaned up and hides the lit flame of imprisonment.

Kaleb, Jed and the others told us that all the officers are outside the school.

All the witches gathered and start chanting the spell at the entrance of the Salvatore boarding school.

Dad and other teachers attempt to leave but couldn't. MG says sorry Dr. Saltzman but we have to do this for our survival.

Dad says what? No you cannot do this.

MG says we are already doing this. We will let you all go once we are done.

It took us around 30 minutes to cast the damn spell.

All of us were very much tired from doing the spell.

I tell MG to let the teachers come out.

Dad came and shouted at us and started asking what were you doing?

I replied we were erasing the memories of humans of our school, of supernatural beings.

Dad says how can you do that Elizabeth? We could have found another way of making them understand.

I say we don't believe that. They tortured us, threatened us, killed numerous students like us for what, because we were different. No one get it what it feels like to be different. They would have never accepted us.

Dad says so you took the call?

I say yes dad I took the call and I wasn't alone all the students agreed including your precious Hope. Now what would you do. Also we are destroying the artefact that is under the school grounds. These measures, this school was never for us, you were protecting humans all this time.

Dad says that's not true Elizabeth.

Hope says your actions says otherwise Dr. Saltzman. We are just protecting ourselves because you have failed in doing so. This school has failed us.

I say Hope's right. Never thought that I would say this but anyway. You can't do anything about this dad. All the students stand united in front of you. We have our issues with each other but right now all of us are united because of your prejudices and actions which put us all in danger today. Now it's time for things to change around here. Since you are not taking the call, so we are.

Dad says what changes Elizabeth? Everything is running fine.

I say no dad it's not. You believe it because you are human and forced us to play humans. We won't be doing that anymore.

Dad sees everyone is in agreement with me.

I say you will hear about our demands in due course.

Dad having no other choice says fine. I will assess your demands and we will see if these can be implemented or not.

I say you have to fair and think from our perspective and not human's perspective.

Days I will Elizabeth. I promise.

I say you have promised a lot of things but never sticked to your words and promises. Your promise means nothing to me.

Josie says Lizzie that's enough.

I say Josie I was just speaking the truth.

After few hours

I was looking for Josie to tell her my ideas.

I saw her with the council members and Hope's super squad.

I say hi guys

They say hi Lizzie.

I say Josie I have some ideas that you can consider and preach to dad.

Penelope says this isn't about you Lizzie. This is about the students about everyone.

I say what you mean? I just have some suggestions and it's for all of us.

Josie says Lizzie it's a bit serious issue. I will listen to you once I am done.

Jed says at least listen to what she has to say, it might be good.

Kaleb and MG says yes.

Hope says Lizzie don't mind but you don't strike as a person to think for others.

I say Hope you don't know about me so you have no right to say that. And the rest of you fine you want to think low of me, continue. I am not going to waste my energy to make you see the truth because you need someone whom you could belittle to make yourself feel better. I will tell my ideas to Dad on my own when the time comes.

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