Part 14 - Sebestian enrolled in the Salvatore boarding school

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Dad shouts Elizabeth but I don't listen and I get mad at him too.

Emma makes be unconscious. They take me to dad's office. Dad asks everyone what happened?

Everyone obviously portrayed me in the bad light until MG intervened and tell him about Sebestian, about students mocking Lizzie, calling her crazy, laughing at her.

Dad says thank you MG for letting me know.

Emma says you all should be ashamed of yourself for treating Elizabeth like this. You all know we don't accept bullying another student. You all will be given detention.

Dad says Emma

Emma says yes Ric, their behaviour towards Elizabeth isn't right. You might not do anything for it but I wouldn't stand just like that. I may not be Caroline but I do understand Elizabeth and her issues stem from your treatment of her.

Dad says don't be stupid Emma.

Emma says if you continue to treat her the way you treat her, you would lose her forever.

After few minutes

I woke up in dad's office.

Dad was giving me looks of disapproval while Emma was being supportive.

Dad says do realise that what you did you attacked students? We really need to do something of your temper. You would be in therapy twice a day and everyday a week. I cannot make excuses for you anymore.

I say what about the students, they can call me crazy and names?

Emma says I have given them detention and told them that they should be ashamed of themselves.

I say thank you Emma. And dad you understand everyone except me and I am not crazy or broken like you think.

Dad says Elizabeth I don't think that.

I say oh right, you blame it on my bio mom's witch ancestors otherwise if you acknowledge that I am the defective twin, then it would be a reminder of uncle Kai and you can't stand for that. After I leave from there before going I say Emma I would be for therapy tomorrow at least you would listen to me.

After 3 days

I see Sebestian at school, I begin to panic and say I am having an episode.

Josie says you don't give any warnings Lizzie. You are not having an episode.

I say Josie I am seeing Sebestian.

Josie says this is Sebestian?

I say wait you can see him?

MG says everyone can see him Lizzie. He is real. You were right. He was dessicated and he was talking to you through his vampire powers. That's why no one could see him.

I say you made me doubt myself, made me a laughing stock and what not, and now you say Lizzie you were right. It doesn't make me feel any better MG and you Sebestian why didn't you say anything.

Sebestian says I am sorry Elizabeth but I didn't know what to say.

Dad says he is going to be enrolled as a new student in the school.

He didn't look so happy announcing that. Don't know why.

I welcomed Sebestian to the school. Landon was showing him the school.

First he was with us the witches, where Alyssa read Sebestian's mind. How Lizzie reminds you of someone you loved dearly, how you are terrified of hurting Lizzie. Sebestian says stop it but Alyssa didn't. He went to attack Alyssa but the witches attacked him.

I say let him go. They did what I said. Landon show him the other areas of the school.

At the dining hall

I was eating alone and thinking about Sebestian while suddenly all the vampires looked very hungry and vamped up to Alyssa.

I feel so bad for the vampires, they don't know how to handle their bloodlust. One injury and they all vamp out hungrily. And dad doesn't see that. I am not a vampire but I still try to understand it because of mom.

MG was losing control but thankfully Sebestian helped him.

Landon took Sebestian to dad's office and says he was fine during the tour.

At night

Dad went in search of Sebestian and vervained him and put him in the cell at the Salvatore boarding school. He read a chapter about his merciless killings in a book and found him feeding on a human.

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