Part 41 - Mikaelson family bonding II

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After bio dad leaves I say thank God he went otherwise he would have ruined the dinner.

We all talked and bonded. Now it was time to leave.

Next day

Bio dad started to bother us started badmouthing mom which didn't go well with us.

Josie decided to see the triplets while I decided to go to mom and Klaus.

At Mikaelson mansion

Did you blame us for keeping mom from you at one point in time in our life? I asked bluntly not considering the effect it would have on the unsuspecting hybrid across from her

''Why would I blame you for anything love?''

I shrugged, but he knew I had more to say. More than I was letting on.

''Lizzie,'' Klaus sighed and licked his lips, looking up at the ceiling. He had a feeling this conversation would turn out to be something deep. ''You know you can ask me anything right? No judgment, no ridicule, just me listening and being here.

I feel like mom, aunt Finn and uncle Kai and Kol are the only ones I can talk to and now you too.

The others try says Klaus

But it's not enough. They think that I am damaged and broken one I say

Klaus pressed his lips together. This was another subject the two spoke of. I being the damaged, broken twin, with Josie being the favorite and perfect one. A Disney princess, I dubbed her. Too nice for her own good.

Klaus could relate, and he always tried to be a safe place for me to vent to, someone that would understand more than her human father and rule-abiding sister. Klaus knew what it was like to feel like you weren't in control of your own mind, that it drove your actions sometimes, and at its worse, it was just easier to crash and let go, than to keep up the fight with the demons inside of you. He didn't want my demons to take over, but he also didn't want me to battle them alone, as he had to. Klaus had taken to being my go-to, the one I talked to, resonated with, and leaned on.

Caroline didn't mind. She loved that her girls and her wolf were bonding, and even more so that I seemed to be doing much better. That I found something...someone that can work with me and make me feel better.

Josie and Hope weren't jealous. The former filling in that role as best as she could through the years, but knowing it was short lived and she came up short sometimes. The latter, wanting to get along better with the twins, knew that her dad and them needed to spend time together, so it was normal. Plus, a part of her always felt bad about monopolizing their own father, Alaric's time. Especially, when in rare cases, the twins didn't hold back how genuinely hurt they were that his attention was rarely, if at all, on them.

You met Mom when she was 17 and became friends when she was 18.'' I started again.

Klaus nodded slowly. Things didn't exactly go that way, but as far as paraphrasing went. Sure, those were the early events of his love story with her mother.

''You had her. I mean-'', I looked up frustrated, then tried to focus, ''After her graduation and your promise and coming back. You and Mom could have started something. You wouldn't have had to be alone, neither of you, you would have started your story much earlier than 16 years later.'' I finished eyeing her pseudo step-father.

Klaus eyes dawned understanding and a bit of guilt. He knew where this was going.

I say But we came. She could have gone to you. She was done with school, deciding to go back later, Grandma died. Stefan died later. There was nothing holding her here. Except us.''

''Lizzie that's not how it went down, your Mother and I-'', Klaus paused and back tracked. ''Where is this coming from love. Why would you think I blame you, or am mad about it?''

I say You needed her, but we needed her more, she would have gone to you, or called, but she decided to take care of us. We took your love from you. Of course, you would blame us.''

''No. Just no.'' Klaus said sternly. ''Elizabeth, there were a slew of problems between your Mother and I before you were even a thought. I had Hope, we made promises, and she was young and still set to live a human life with the ones she grew up with.''

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