Part 42 - Mikaelson family bonding III

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Did we take that chance from you?'' Lizzie asked.

Klaus opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the classic Forbes ramble.

''I mean for all my faults, I like to think I'm somewhat self-aware, or at least working on it. I hurt a lot of people daily with my words, I know. I try to stay away from everyone when I get my...episodes. But if I don't hurt anyone in this world or try not to, its Mom and Josie.''

Klaus nodded, knowing that and about how the prospect of not being able to calm herself quickly weighed on her, and the damage that could happen because of it.

''And now all of you.''

Klaus looked up wide eyed. ''What-''

''I don't want to hurt you. I was having a moment and I just wanted to rest after the after effects. I always hibernate to my room; I didn't want to take chances of being somewhere else or having you around and take that chance. It was easier. Eliminating myself from the equation, if it means keeping others safe.''

Klaus shook his head a bit. The similarities between himself and me always left him a bit disconcerted.

''But hurting is more than physical and I may not know exactly, but I know at least emotionally, you would have had better years if Mom was by your side. Like she is now. It's how she is. No one can truly be unhappy with her around.'' I say with a small smile thinking of her mother. ''I'm sorry if I took that away from you. If we hurt you.''

Klaus' eyes softened while looking at the wide-eyed girl who was worried that he blamed her for something she wasn't even responsible for. Also, completely touched that she cared enough about him to make sure that he was okay and wanting to make amends, no matter how unnecessary they were to him. All thanks to that no-good waste of space. Klaus thought bitterly.

''Come here love.'' Klaus opened his arms and I got up and snuggled into the hybrids side on the couch.

''This is not your fault. Even if your mother was ready for me. I wouldn't have been. I always used to say your mother and I were alike, but now having you here, you may just be my own personal mini-me.'' Klaus chuckled.

Lizzie smiled. ''I take that as a compliment.''

Klaus smiled. For being known as the Great Evil in the student's history books the girls never made him feel as such. While he reveled in it as the Original Hybrid, as a father and step-father respectively, he didn't think he ever had any one be as proud of him as his girls were. Hope and me especially. He loved that they saw qualities in him that they admired and even wanted for themselves.

Klaus kissed the crown of Lizzies head. ''Thank you love. You said you would take yourself out of the equation to save others, and that is a rule I felt like I wrote myself. New Orleans dangerous place. It prays on people's weaknesses, and while I would never say your mother's love made me weak, it was something that could be taken away, and I never want that. She was safe here, and her safety comes before anything I could ever want. I promised I would wait for her-,''

''Maybe in a year or a century.'' I murmured, well aware of her mom's love story with the hybrid. Klaus chuckled.

''It wasn't a year and I didn't have to wait a century. 16 years and now I have her, safe, with two new daughters, that I love so much.'' He lifted her chin to look at him, ''I have everything I could ever want. You kept your mother here, away from me.'' I averted her eyes. ''Safe.'' Klaus finished.

''You kept her safe. You needed a mother, and she needed to stay for you. By you keeping her here then, I got to find her later. Now I have her, and I'm not letting her go.''

''I don't blame you or your sister Lizzie. If anything, I thank you. Thank you for keeping my love safe and loved and cared for. We are happy, we do smile, I love her with everything that I am, but you two were here when I wasn't. You made her smile and laugh when I couldn't. You are the loves of her life.'' Klaus pulled her close again for a hug.

''Loves of my life.'' He whispered into her head.

''I found unconditional love with Hope, which was a guaranteed I had been told, but never truly believed. Now...being here with all three of's...I hope-''

''It is. We do. Unconditionally.'' I murmured into his chest.

Klaus smiled softly. ''I was surprised with one daughter, and somewhere in this big world, a supreme force thought me great enough to bless me with two more. You two are not burdens. You as well as Josie and Hope are my world.''

''Never doubt that.''

''You swear?'' I Whispered.

''I swear it.'' Klaus whispered back.

''I love you Klaus.''

''I love you too, Elizabeth.''

Klaus pulled back and looked at his little blonde daughter. ''Feel better.''

I brushed my tears and fixed my hair. Giving that award-winning heart stopping Forbes smile. ''Much.'' I say genuinely.

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