Part 44 - Alaric plans to kill Caroline

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After a few days

In these few days bio dad hasn't bothered anyone which I felt was calm before the storm.

Mom was going to Klaus' mansion but didn't reach.

We all got worried. Finn, Davina, me, Josie, Jace, Alec and Emery did a locator spell. We found the location.

When we reached the location, we became shocked that bio dad kidnapped mom, tortured her and was about to kill her.

Klaus saved mom from bio dad.

We used our magic on bio dad.

Once Klaus made sure mom was fine he attacked bio dad.

We said how can you think of killing mom?

Bio dad says she took my daughter's away from me.

We say she didn't. It was your actions which did this.

Josie and I with our magic stake him in the heart with a wooden stake.

His last words were Josie, Lizzie and he died.

Mom was a bit shaken up as she couldn't believe bio dad would try to kill her.

We went home and were consoling mom. We leave mom with Klaus once she assured us that she was okay.

We all stayed at the Mikaelson mansion for mom.

Josie and I began talking how can bio dad do this.

Klaus made sure she was fine and comforted her.

She was fine after a few days because of love and care from her loved ones.

Time went by and the bond between all of us got stronger and finally the day come when mom and Klaus I mean papa got married and lived happily ever after.

The end

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