Part 30 - Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson are back

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Next day

Two new monsters showed up at the school but this time Hope Mikaelson couldn't kill them because the monsters were none other than Niklaus Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson.

Witches together were using their powers to immobilize them and Finn and Kol snapped their necks and trapped them in a circle of salt.

Hope says dad, uncle Elijah, you are alive. Hope calls her family who were in mystic falls.

Finn says I can free them of the possession and find who raised them from the dead.

Mom says ok Finn do it.

Davina says I will help Finn.

Finn and Davina freed Niklaus and Elijah from the possession.

Niklaus says Finn, where am I?

Elijah says we were dead? How are we alive? Who brought us back?

Finn says you are at the Salvatore boarding school. You were brought back through a dead witchcraft called Necromancy. We don't know who did this and why. But you both are going to help us in finding that.

Elijah says what do you need Finn?

Finn says your blood in this bowl which is placed in a small circle of salt.

They both gave the blood and Finn started the spell

It worked and a person showed up in the bigger circle of salt.

Caroline asks who are you? Show us your face.

The person showed his face.

Finn say no this can't be.

Kol says you know him?

Finn says he is the necromancer.

Necromancer says you are right Finn. I am the greatest witch of all times. I want to rule this planet but you all are standing in my way.

I say so you have been sending monsters to our school?

Necromancer says yes, but all of them failed me. So I thought why not weaken the tribrid who saves the day by raising her family members from the dead. But I didn't know that situations have changed here. You freed them from my possession and you got to know about me.

Caroline says we won't let you destroy this place necromancer.

Necromancer says in 2 weeks time my army would crush you all. I am done sending one monster at a time. I will send an army at you all and he vanishes.

Josie says what do we do then?

Kol says we have to crush his army.

We will help says Rebekah, Gabriel, Freya. They say we heard everything and we want to help.

Mom says thank you for that. Listen up everyone, I will call an assembly meeting in an hour where we will discuss our plan of action.

After 1 hour

Mom says you all know about the recent events that it was necromancer who was sending monsters to our school because we were a threat to his plan of ruling this planet. He is sending an army in 2 weeks time. We have to fight a war for the survival of our school and us. We need to be in this together. We might have some problem with each other but right now we should be united. Are you all with me?

Students replies yes Miss C

Mom says thank you students for your support. Now Kol would take over and discuss the plan where which species would be placed in the war.

Kol said students foremost important thing is that necromancer can resurrect the dead with ease. So Finn would siphon the magic out of the necromancer so that he has no magic left and we successfully kill him. The rest of you would work together as a faction. You are taught that in your training class. The next two weeks would be too busy and lot of hard work is required from all of us.

In these 2 weeks monsters were sent daily but we all fought valiantly together.

Then it was war time

Numerous monsters were sent to the school. All of us were fighting using our own powers and some dark objects.

Necromancer showed up and Klaus made him wear the anti magic shackles. Finn started to siphon the magic out of him. It was working

The war continued for hours but we finally won.

We killed each and every monster necromancer had sent. Now it was the turn of necromancer.

Finn has successfully siphoned the magic out of him and says now he is an ordinary person.

Niklaus kills him by beheading him.

We all begin to celebrate but mom says she needs to make an announcement. So we all assembled in the assembly hall.

After the announcement we all got ready to celebrate.

Even Hope came to the celebration which shocked everyone but we understood it was because her family was there too.

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