Goodbye note.

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Present time


That's it. Troy gave me his heart so that I could live. I stare into Sam's eyes an start to cry again. If I knew that was the last time i would see him, I would have acted differently. I love him so much. I clutch the note he wrote me again.

"What does the note say?" Sam asked. I didn't want to show him because Troy wrote it for me and only me. His last words. Sam slowly took it from me and looked at it. I fell into the pillow and started crying.


The note.


Hey princess, it's Troy.

Well, you can probably tell from my horrible hand writing. :) I'm trying to get my mind off this surgery, coming up soon so I'm writing you this letter. Okay, so I guess since your reading this... That means I'm really dead.


That's hard to think of. I'll never see your beautiful face again, or get to say I love you. That's even harder to think of. I love you so much and I hope you know that. You have been there through it all, the ups and the downs. But we have had some really good times. Remember when I tried to teach you guitar? And you broke it? Really? I'm sorry, but how do you manage to break a guitar? If it was just one string, I would understand but you broke then all! But that's okay because it was worth it to see you smile. Your smiles so beautiful. I'm sorry. I'll get to the point. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. An it hurts me to think I have to leave you, but hey, you get to live. You need a heart, and since you've stolen mine, I figure its right that I give it to you for real. When we found out you had heart problems, we cried for hours. We just laid in that bed, in each others arms, I was holding you tightly. And we were assuring each other that everything was going to be alright. But it wasn't. And now here I am, saving you like the real princess you are. The doctors are wheeling me into the surgery room right now, so I guess I have to go... I love you , and I hope you live a long happy life. I can't wait to see you up in heaven . I'll always be waiting for you .




Present time


Sam looked at me and said

"Audrey I'm so sorry."

I looked at him. He opened his arms again and I hugged him. I cried into his chest.

"It's not your fault. Troy wanted this."

"No! It's all my fault! My stupid health problems! I hate myself!" I yell at him.

"Don't say that. He loves you and that's why he did it. I love you too. Your like my sister. I never want to here you say anything like this again." Sam said in a strict tone. I looked at him and he looked at me. He slowly leaned in and kissed me gently.

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