Girlfriend Trouble

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Once my hair is dry and my mascara is on, I walk to my closet with my panties and bra on. As I open the closet door I grab a pair of my Hollister skinny jeans I got back in America. Then I grab Sam's gray sweater. I slide it on and then pull up the pants that I'm considering not putting on because they don't seen to want to fit my chubbyness today. Once I get them on, I give Sam a big hug and kiss. Then I'm on my way to meet black at the hospital.


I walk into the hospital to see a orange haired girl at the front desk. I smile at the nurse that always helps me out.

"Audrey, this is Courtney."

I look at her. She's stunning. Her orange colored curly hair, her freckles, her plaid shirt, and tight bell bottom jeans, and her perfect smile, she makes me feel ugly.

"Hi Courtney..." I begin "do I know you from somewhere?"

"We'll actually... She's here to see black" the nurse says.

"His name is Jason." Courtney says in a southern accent.

"Oh. So do you know black- I mean 'Jason' from anywhere?"

"Yeah... I'm his girlfriend." She says. I can't help but let my smile fade. I don't understand why I'm so affected by him having a girlfriend. He's stunning an so is she. I hold out my hand and say

"Nice to meet you. I've been helping Jason out the past couple of days" she shakes my hand and nods. The nurse leads both of us to Jason's room. When she pulls back the curtain to his room, Courtney runs to him. She throws herself at him. She jumped so high to him I was afraid she was gonna fly away. She was super skinny. "JASON!" She screamed "I WAS AFRAID I LOST YOU!" He puts his arms around her and looks at me confused. When he doesn't reply, she lets go of him. She backs up. "Uhm, I don't mean to be rude, but who's Jason.?" Jason/Black asks.

"You don't remember your name?" She says

He just looks at her

"That means..."

There's a pause

"Who am I?" She asks him.

He stands there looking uncomfortable and confused.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you." He says.

She starts to cry.

"You really don't remember me Jason?" She say between gasps "all the memories? They're all gone? Three whole years? Dead to you?!" She cry's again.

"I'm sorry... I'm suffering amnesia, I-I can't remember." He says looking to the ground. I can't help but feel bad for the both if them. Poor Jason/Black doesn't remember his girlfriend and is probably really confused and scared. And Courtney... Her boyfriend doesn't remember who she is, and I guess they've been dating 3 years? That must be horrible. The one you love standing there like he doesn't even know you. She leaves the room with the nurse leaving me and Jason alone.

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