World War 3

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I walk in the front door.

"Where'd you go?" Sam says smiling.

"Just got back from dropping Jason off at the hospital."

"Oh so the mystery man has a name now?" Sam jokes while putting some kind of food into his mouth.

I shake my head.

"Sam I need to ask you about something but you have to promise that you won't think in crazy."

"Your already crazy babe" he smiles.

I'm so not in the mood for his cheekyness.

"Please? Can we talk?"

"Sure" he says following me to the couch. I sit down and face him. I take a deep breath.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" I ask.

"Re car what?"

"It's when somebody that has died comes back into this world as someone new or in someone else's body."

"Errm, I guess?" He says.

"Ok, because this is the part where your gonna think I'm crazy..." I start. "I think Troy is in Jason's body."

Sam laughs and rolls his eyes. I look at him with a serious face.

"Oh, your not kidding.?" He says. His smile fading quickly.

"No, actually I being quite honest on what I think" I snap.

"You've got to be kidding" he says.

"Sam I'm not!" I raise my voice "in the beginning he said I looked familiar, then today he takes me to the hospital room that Troy spent his last night in, then he describes the dress I wore on our first date, in complete detail! He didn't get one thing wrong! Then he said our flat smells familiar I had just sprayed the perfume I wore when I was with Troy the morning before the hospital! Then when he was looking at my clothes, he pulled out the sweatshirt that Troy let me wear that night Before my surgery!"

"So? That doesn't mean a thing!" Sam says

"If that's not proof enough for you then I don't know what else will be!" I yell "your best friend could be staying at that hospital right now and you wouldn't even know it!"

"I know one thing! And it's that your making up crazy things because your in denial!" Sam yells back "Troy's gone! Accept it! He's not coming back! I can't keep sugarcoating it Audrey! He died! All gone! Byebye! How else can I say this to you for you to understand?!"

I stare at him. Did he really just yell that to me? How much lower will he go? I get up and storm up the stairs and slam my door closed. I start to cry. It felt like world war 3 just went off in my living room.

Sam is sleeping on the couch tonight. I really believe that Troy has came back into Jason's body.

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