The Day

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I take a deep breath , and smile as the double doors open and I walk down the aisle with my father at my side . I see Troy at the end of the aisle starting at me .

I was so happy when he legally changed his name from Jason to Troy .

I see our friends and family on either side of me . I look down at my white dress . I smile .

when I look back up I'm staring at Troy and taking his hand . I stand in front of everyone attending our big day .

Troy and I take a seat , while Sam , Troys best man takes the stage and the microphone .


"wow ." he starts "it seems like just yesterday me and all the boys were in America , meeting and chatting with a bunch of girls . and then we saw Audrey . and She locked eyes with Troy . and they talked for hours and hours . I couldn't believe when I found out he gave his heart for his fiancé . and he was dead ."

Sam gets choked up .

"I remember sitting in that bed with Audrey all night , and reading that note he left her . and crying , and all the ups and downs the past 2 years has brought us . I remember when we were in the hospital and Audrey and 'Jason' met for the first time . I remember Audrey telling me all these crazy things about him , and how they all lined up with Troy . and now I understand . I completely understand . and so does everyone in this room . that's why we're here today . I remember the day Audrey told me she was leaving me . I remember the makeup running down her face . she is so head over heels in love with this boy . and Troy , and audrey , when he said in that note 'I'll be waiting for you' he meant it . but now , it's not in heaven . he's been here , waiting for us to realize it.

I love you both" he says and smiles at us before taking his seat again . I start to cry . Troy takes my hand and we stand up .

when we're standing in front of the crowd , Troy looks up at me . and takes the microphone .

"Audrey Wood . how do I even start . thank you . thank you so much for everything you've ever done for me . you've been there through so much . I can't even begin to tell you . I thought I'd never be able to touch you again." he says while putting his hand on my face.

"I never thought I'd be able to fall asleep next to you again . I never thought I'd be able to kiss you , or hold you , or just be around you" he starts to sniffle

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you . I can't wait to finish where we left off two years ago . I can't wait to see you everyday of the rest of both of our lives . I love you"

I had been crying through the whole speech . and now I'm bawling .

"I think by Audrey's reactions we know what her speech would be , so let's skip to it . I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Troy Young" The Pastor says .

I look up , and Troy kisses me .

he leads me to the dance floor . and we take our first dance .

"Smile" plays .

our song .

I lean into him .

my life has been a mess . but I wouldn't trade it for anything . I love everyone and everything that's happened . it's all worth it at this moment .

I look up at Troy , and for the first time , just for a second , instead of his green eyes , I see his old blue eyes sparkle .

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