Chapter 3

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As they were going down, they ware chatting with each other, as always

Mimi: now that I remember, this it our last meal.

Suyan: what do you mean?

Mimi: did you forgot? It's out exam after the break!

Joy: what exam?

Mimi: CT exam! Today starts the month long CT exam!!

[CT exam: CT stands for class test. When everyday there's one subject exam. And other classes continue as they are]

Suyan: oh shit.... Hey! Why didn't anyone remind me!!

Jenna: well. We have to remember to inform you. Don't you think that?

Suyan: let's just go. Eat our last meal. We won't be able to live in this exam pressure after all.

While going someone bumped into Mimi. They fell down.

Mimi ah! It hurts!

And after they raise their head., Mimi was suddenly angry at him.

Mimi: what the....

????: Sorry.

And he was about to go on his way.

Mimi: wah! You are not even regretting for what you did just now?

????: I said sorry.

Mimi: yeah. But not sincerely

????: Then what should I do to make you think that I regret?

Mimi: maybe apologies properly?

Dia: hey. Maybe you should stop

????: I apologize.

Mimi: ugh! You're still not sincere!! And why would you bump into me in the first place?? Don't you have eyes??

????: Okay. Maybe I don't have eyes. What about you?

Mimi: what do you mean?

????: Don't you have eyes ma'am? Why didn't you notice?

Mimi: What! Shouldn't you say sorry? You are yelling at me instead?!

????: I said it earlier.

Mimi: look at him! Still not sorry!

Joy: just let it go.

????: Whatever. I don't have time for this.

And he left

Mimi: what the......

Sunmy: okay okay. Cool down

Suyan: and see. It's your fault too.

Dia: but I haven't seen him in this college before.

Mimi: who cares!

Suyan: ah! Stop! Let's go to have our last meal!

They went to the canteen and ate their last  meal (at least according to them)

It was their exam the whole month. Class test I mean. But it is more frustrating then finals. Cause you have to read other subjects too. So they are like already death!

Author: Okay. As we got some time left. Let's talk about Sunmy's life. The reason of a active girl like her being quiet.

At Sunmy's house

Mimi: come and eat already! The food is already cold!

Author: oh yeah! They live together. Mimi and Sunmy.

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