Chapter 7

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Jenna: OMG. Who?

Suyan: Myself.

Joy: again your nonsense!


Sunmy: she is good. No relationship, no pain.

Dia: yeah yeah. Always the same you two.

Suyan: no. I'm better than Sunmy.

All: yeah yeah

After going home

In Mimi's house

Mimi is going to library to pick some books for Sunmy. She is in a rest. And Mimi likes to go out more. So she went to the library.

In the library

Mimi entered the library. And showed the issued card to the librarian. He was reading a book. It was about history. And the book was covering his face.

Mimi: can I have some suggestions for scientific books? And some storybooks.

The librarian closed his book and looked at her.

And Mimi saw that it was that boy. Arish

Arish: yeah. Why not.

Mimi: you! (Loudly)

Arish blocked her mouth with his hand.

Arish: shh. It's a library. Not the conventionary store! So keep quiet.

Mimi: yeah. I have eyes (pissed)

Arish: oh really! I thought you don't have one.

Mimi: what the... Just you wait. Just that it's a library. I don't want to pick a fight here

Arish: what would you have done. If it was not a library?

Mimi: why would I tell you that? You would have known if only you were out of the library

Arish: ok. We'll see that later. Now pick your books

Mimi: see that later? I don't want to see you anymore!!

Arish: nor do I.

They went to choose the books

Arish: Hey. Who are this books for?

Mimi: my friend.

Arish: oh. That's a relief. I thought it's for you.

Mimi: so what's the problem if it was for me?

Arish: you don't look like the reading one. You look dumb..

Mimi: what! Look. I really have short temper nowadays. Don't make me hit you.

Arish: huh. Like you will hit me. And I'll die

Mimi became really angry and hit him on the back. But Arish slided in the side. And one of the Almirah totally falled down.

They also lost balance and Mimi fell into Arish's arm.

(A little smooch)

And by accident, their lips collided.

Arish: ugh... You are so heavy!

Mimi got up.

Mimi: what? Heavy? So what? What if I am? What does it have to do with you? (Don't even care about the kiss in that moment)

Ariah: I have nothing to do with your weigh. Just don't fall on top of me!

While they were fighting. The library manager come and said

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