Chapter 38

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Arish: no. I should...... Get going now.

Taking his bag, he slowly started to step out of her house.

While he was about to open the door.......

Meanwhile Mimi

In Mimi's mind: umm!! Who is shouting like this so early! My neighbors are just too loud!!

?????: You!!!! son of bitch!!! Did you do something to her while she was asleep?!!!?!! Jerk!!!!

Arish: w-what did I ever do!!!

In Mimi's mind: this voices sounds fimiler! Wait.....!!!

(Suddenly woke up)

Mimi: Sunmy!!!

Sunmy: oh. So you are up?

Mimi: w-what happened? And why are you...... grabbing his hair? (Pointing Arish)

Arish: it's a misunderstanding!!! Let me gooo!!!! Ahhh!!!!

Sunmy: misunderstanding? Huh? You dirty ass!!  You took advantage of her, didn't you??? (Loud)

Arish: s-sorry! I don't know what I did. But sorry!!

Sunmy: what did you do??? Hey! Sneaking in someones house is nothing for you kids? I don't even know if my baby is okay..

Mimi: hey! It's a misunderstanding!!

Sunmy: what misunderstanding?? You were asleep. He sneaked in..... Wait. Did you two.....

Mimi: we..... I can explain!!! Hear us out first!!

Sunmy: you.... Tell me the story gurl!

Mimi: it's not like that!!!



Sunmy: fuck!! This is a important call!!

Mimi: you should take it!! You can scroll us anytime! But it's important!

Arish: yeah yeah!

Sunmy: really?? And I'm not scrolling you. I wanna know the story (laughing)

Mimi and Arish: yeah!!

Sunmy: sit here straight! I'll be back in 5

Mimi and Arish: o-okay.

Sunmy went out

Arish: hey? What happened to her? She was a quiet one up until yesterday.

Mimi: she's....... She's back!

Arish: who?

Mimi: old Sunmy. That goofy and extrovert one

Arish: huh?

Mimi: back than, she was like friends with everyone.

Arish: what? This girl?

Mimi: She was too famous for her own good

Arish: okay. But...... Didn't I hear that you two moved here after her breakup or something?

Mimi: how did you....

Arish: let's talk that later.

Mimi: but.....

Arish:But make it clear first.

Mimi: so let me make it clear. It's a bit confusing but still. So Sunmy used to live here from class 7.

Arish: then?

Mimi: And I came here to live with her family for my tutions for a year. But for her Papa's business change, they moved to their village again the next year. So I had to too. But.......

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