Chapter 15

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The next day

5 pm

Dia: Suyan! Suyan! Wake up please!

They are trying to wake her up for half an hour how

Mimi: at this rate... We'll be late.

Joy: so what do we do now?

Jenna: I guess.... We'll just have to leave her here...

Dia: shut up!

Mimi: well. What else can we do?

And suddenly Suyan got up on her own.

Joy: w-what the.....

Then she went to the bathroom and started brushing her teeths.

And in 10 minutes, she was ready.

Suyan: huh? Mimi? Why aren't you ready yet?!?

Dia: just look at this crazy Bitch!!

Suyan: what did I do.....

Mimi: we couldn't get ready cause we were busy waking you up!!

Suyan: who told you to wake me up? Yeah. I may sleep too much. But only when I can.

Joy: wow. We were worried without a reason.

Suyan: yeah. Maybe. Now go get ready!

Joly: Yeah yeah. We are going....

Author: well. Our Suyan got a wired sense of responsibility in her.

So They reached the place at least. And they are in the ship now.

It's the same ship which they came here with. And like before, they booked a cabin for all.

At the ship

They entered the cabin and were resting for a bit.

Dia: ugh! We almost missed it....!

Joy: yeah. And someone is responsible for that I see.

Suyan: you can't say that! Who told you to worry so much? I would have got up in time and get ready anyways. It's in my mind.

Dia: Then why did you say what if I can't wake up last night??!?

Suyan: that was a figure of speech only!

Dia: it's your fault anyways...

Suyan: okay okay. It's my fault! Happy?!

Joy: can you stop now. You two are to irritating.

Mimi: forget about them. What should we do now?

Sunmy: why don't we rest for sometime?

Dia: so like you girl, but we won't.

Mimi: yeah. We can rest at home as much as we want.

Suyan: then what should we do?

Mimi: why don't we....

Suyan stopped her in the middle

Suyan: nope. Not truth or dare again.

Mimi: how did you know?

Suyan: you need intelligence for this.

Dia: not again you two.

Jenna: guys.. just say what we can play.

Joy: I think Sunmy was right. We should just go to sleep.

All(expect Joy and Sunmy): No!

Joy: o-okay.... Don't be so hype...

Suyan: I really can't find any....

Jenna: Wait here. I'll go get some water. I'm thirsty.

Dia: Yeah. Go.

Jenna went out and was in her way to the filter and when she reached and was pouring water in the glass.

???: Hey! Look up.

Jenna looked here and there.

???: I said look up!

So Jenna looked up. And it was Sam beside her.

Jenna: Cutee? How come you are here

Sam: we are also in this ship. The cabin no. 12

Jenna: Wow. so we are just 5 cabin apart.

Sam: really? What a sweet coincidence. Let me bring them. Which cabin is yours? 7 or 17?

Jenna: it's no. 7.

Sam: just wait. I'll get them.

In Sam's mind: I'm so excited!! I'll get to see her again!

Jenna: okay okay. Take it easy.

Sam went dancing to bing them.

In Jenna's mind: jeez. He's just happy cause he'll see Suyan again...

After Sam went in there cabin.

Sam: Arish! Arish!! Let's go.

Arish: where?

Sam: to their cabin.

Arish: who?

Sam: The girls!

Aden: what? You mean them...? Why are they here?

Sam: why else? They are going back too.

Aden: and why should we go to them?

Arish: yeah. Why should we?

Sam: so that we can play some games together?

Arish: no! We won't.

Aden: yeah. It hurts our pride.

Sam: oh come on! Don't be dry chicken leg piece. I just don't understand what's this pride pride thing.

Arish: how would you? You don't have one.

Sam: well you can't say that. It might actually hurt my pride and I won't talk you y'all again....

Aden: wow. Are you blackmailing us?

Sam: no. Forget it. I'll just go alone. Bye!

Arish: Hey hey. Don't. We'll go. Don't go alone.

Sam: why now?

Arish: what else. We are being bored too. So let's just go if you want it that bad.

Aden: not you too! Whatever. Let's go then. But won't they feel disturbed?

Arish: that's why I'm going. To irritate them.

Aden: and what good will that do to you?

Arish: nothing. Just for fun.

Aden: ugh! Let's just go

To be continued......


Arish was going up in the ship with his luggage. He could hear a very noisy group coming from the back.

Arish: Shit. They are as noisy as those girls!

But he didn't turn around and look.

Author: Well, Arish. Do you like them or hate them that much that you can identify them just by voice?

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