Chapter 57

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After being shocked for a while, they all sat down round in the bed

Arish: so... Let's call the helicopter to take her home.

Sam: yeah. That's right!

Mimi: what the.... She can go by ship!

Arish: isn't she pregnant? Won't it be bad for the baby to have such a long journey!?! (Very serious)

Sunmy: stop you two!

Dia: no. How come? Did you even had sex in life?

Sunmy: I.... Once did....

Suyan: wow. You have a fertilized stomach.

Jenna: can you really say that nonsense in this moment Suyan? (Creepy smile)

Mimi: so let's tell him! You are already adult. It will all be okay if you two get married!!

Joy: right right. Let's go meet the father.

Sunmy: you.... Can't.....

Arish: why? Is he a jerk? Playboy?

Sam: tell us the name. We'll take care of him! How can he just impregnate our friend and not take responsibility!?!

Arish: yeah. Let's call the gang we met once in college.

Sunmy: ugh! Let me complete my sentence!! He's a good person!!

Jenna: was it a mutual one night stand then? Like.... You can't meet each other again?

Sunmy: no. He wanted to date me.... I.... Pushed him away all this time....

Arish: then pull him in again maybe?

Sunmy: he's.... No more in this world.... He's dead....

Mimi: w-what the fuck do you mean dead?!? How?!?

Sunmy: the accident Dia lost her memories in.... He died in that accident. I saw it myself...

Dia: w-what? That's too cruel.....

Sunmy: and... He's Hayme.....

Joy: what!?!? Hayme is dead?!?

Sunmy: yeah. I even heard from the receptionist....

Jenna: so... Would you.... Keep the child...?

Suyan: but... A life will die if she does abortion.... But yeah. We'll support you whatever decision you take.

Joy: and her study is harder then us too

Sunmy: I'll keep it.... It's my child after all.

Mimi: how... Will you tell uncle and aunty?

Sunmy: I won't. I'll tell them after it is born. Not like I go to visit them that often....

Dia: and what about studies?

Sunmy: i can continue until I'm 8 months.

Joy: won't people notice?

Sunmy: I'll just wear baggy clothes. What else? Dia's clothes are enough.

Dia: right.

Arish: won't it be too much pressure?

Sunmy: I wanna take that pressure.

Mimi: you can do it girl! And we are here anyways. Who needs family when you have so many friends.

Dia: that baby is too much lucky. She'll be getting additional 5 aunts and 4 uncles.

Sunmy: yeah. And... Yeah I'm going back today. I don't think it will be good for me to stay here.

Suyan: what do you mean "I"? We all will go with you.

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