Chapter 77

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At 4 pm

Mimi started walking downstairs just at 4 pm sharp. For some odd reasons, Mimi put a little bit more effort to get dressed up today.

Mimi came downstairs and saw Arish waiting for her already.

Arish noticed her and looked at her with a mesmerised eyes

Arish: beautiful... (Mumbling)

Mimi: hum?

Arish realised that his thought just slipped his lips.

Arish: beautiful weather!! (Shout)

Mimi: oh yeah. It is.

Arish: yeah... Let's go.

Mimi: yeah...

So they started walking

Mimi: so.. what's the occasion.

Arish: hum? Occasion for what?

Mimi: buying gift for your mom

Arish: who's buying... (Suddenly remembered) Oh! W-without a reason... Haha.

Mimi: you're acting weird today (narrowing eyes)

Arish: no I'm not!

Mimi: fine. Don't overreact now.

Arish: ugh. Forget it... Just keep walking...

Mimi rolled her eyes and kept walking

After they reached the shopping mall

Mimi: so.. what do you wanna buy? I mean category.

Arish: necklace.

Mimi: fine.. let's go.

They entered the jewellery shop and were checking out the necklace section now

Mimi: this one looks good.

Arish: okay. Let's buy it then.

Mimi: let's at least look at some more options?

Arish: no. I like this one. Let's just buy it and go.

Mimi: ugh! Fine! Do whatever!!

Arish: don't get angry. I have my reasons...

Mimi: and what are those? (Sarcastically)

Arish: you'll know (smirk)

Mimi: (narrowing eyes) whatever. Buy that and get moving.

Arish: yeah

Arish brought the necklace and they are out of the mall now.

Arish kept texting in the group to maintain the proposal properly.

Mimi: who do you keep texting? Finally find someone to be serious with? (Sarcastically)

Arish: yeah. I think I did (smiling while looking at his phone)

Mimi: good for you! (Pissed)

Arish: are you jealous now? (Looking at her)

Mimi: shut up! I'm not!! (She is)

Arish: let's go to a cafe. I'll treat you for helping me

Mimi: no thanks! I'll go now!! (Pissed)

Arish: hum? Then I'll think you really are jealous. You okay with that? (Teasing)

Mimi: ugh! Fine! (High voice)

Arish: let's go then?

Mimi just nodded annoyedly and kept following Arish to the cafe.

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