Chapter 55

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Dia: well. There's not much to do here. Just infinity beach.

Aden: let's go to the one most near us today.

Seb: yeah. We'll eat there too. You know what? I'm hungry.

Mimi: why? Didn't you two eat?

Seb: no... We were too lost in our world.

Joy: wah! How romantic!

Arish: let's just go now.

So they started walking.

Arish was walking with Mimi obviously

Arish: hey. Why didn't ware the pendant I gave you?

Mimi: oh.. that. It's in my pocket....

Arish: i didn't give it to you so that you can keep that in your pocket.

Mimi: okay okay. I'll wear it!

Arish: yeah. Please proceed.

Mimi: let's reach the beach first.

Meanwhile Jenna and Seb

They were holding each others hand.

Seb: I'm so happy you know.

Jenna: why?

Seb: that I got to be in a trip with you.

Jenna: me too. And why didn't you say that you had plans last time?!?

Seb: oh that. I thought you were more important.

Jenna: literally? You are cute a cutee!!

Seb: gosh! Only for you.

Jenna: jeez.

Seb: by the way. How love are you going to keep it a secret?

Jenna: huh? What secret?

Seb: let's meet each others parents now. It's been 4 years. We should be a little more serious about us.

Jenna: right. I can't just keep it a secret. And I'm already studying honours. I'm big enough right?

Seb: what can I say. You are just 18. I feel old sometimes.

Jenna: ugh! Why did mom had to admit me to school so early?!?

Seb: I know I have to wait some more years to marry you. But let our parents know that we are dating. Okay?

Jenna: yeah. Let's meet them after we return.

Seb: okay.

Meanwhile Suyan and Sam.

Suyan was walking very peacefully. And suddenly Sam passed by her and placed a chocolate in her hand.

Suyan: huh?

Sam: eat it. I brought it for you.

Suyan: why?

Sam: I just saw you looking at it. So thought you would like it.

Suyan: I do like chocolate. But I was looking at the packaging....

Sam: huh?

Suyan: yeah. I was looking at the guy in the packet.

Sam: why?

Suyan: he looked familiar. Then I remembered... I saw him in kdrama. It was a small roll. That's why it took me some time to remember.

Sam: I see. The product is Korean after all too.

Suyan: yeah. Where's yours?

Sam: oh. Yeah. I brought one for me too.

Suyan: we'll eat it together later then.

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