Chapter 85

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Suyan dressed up like usual in her white turtle neck for the date. It was half torso by the way. And was sitting alone in the couch. Thinking about her life

In Suyan's mind: what the fuck? What's happening with me? Did he just kiss me like it's nothing?

Spacing out

In Suyan's mind: why did I agree anyways? I've always rejected this kind of offers

Disappointed on herself

In Suyan's mind: have I gone desperate or something!? Because I've been single too long!?


Suyan: no!

In Suyan's mind: forget it. I'm not like that.... Then? Do I... Actually like him...? Well...

Suyan: he's not that bad... And...

In Suyan's mind: he's a good kisser too....

Thinking with a pout

In Suyan's mind: now that I think.... I've actually forgot his was long ago.... I wanna kiss hi-


Suyan: get a hold Suyan. (Breathing in and out)

And suddenly there was a knock on Suyan's door.

Suyan: (sigh) it must be him....

Suyan went and opened the door.

Sam: hi.

Suyan: hi...

Sam: let's go?

Suyan: yeah..

Sam took Suyan's hand and started walking out after Suyan locked the door.

Suyan: so... What's the movie..?

Sam: you'll see. I've got a little surprise for you too. (Smiling)

Suyan: hum? What surprised?

Sam: you'll see.

Suyan: fine..

They kept walking holding hands.

Sam: by the way. Why did you lie today?

Suyan: huh?

Sam: you said we never kissed. Is it true?

Suyan: j-jeez!

Sam: tho all our kisses were small. But it was kiss. Right?

Suyan: well.... We kissed longer too... (Looking away)

Sam: huh? (Confused)

Suyan: well... That day... (Still not looking) Before the day of Dia's flight....

Sam: wait, you mean.... (Trying to remember) Y-you mean that wasn't a dream..? (Gasp)

Suyan: yeah... That was real... You... (Trailing off)

Sam: I- (blushing) well-

Meanwhile Mimi

Mimi was waiting for Arish downstairs wearing a green frock.

And Arish just arrived and walked to Mimi

Arish: such a pretty thing (caressing her jawline)

Mimi: jeez

Arish leaned in and kissed Mimi for some seconds.

Arish: let's go.

Mimi: sure.

Arish offered Mimi his hand

Mimi scoffed and took his hand.

They started walking and after a while, they saw Suyan and Sam together. Holding hands and looking the other way with blush on both of them.

Mimi: oh my. Oh my. Look (patting Arish's shoulder)

Arish: wow. He's listening I see.

Mimi: huh? What do you mean? (Confused)

Arish: (cleaning throat) so what happened was...

So here's the reason why Sam is acting somewhat bolder.

Sam and Arish were getting ready to sleep while lying on the bed.

Sam: dude. I wanna kiss her so bad... (Looking at the ceiling)

Arish: so do. Why telling me?

Sam: what if I scare her off...? That's why I don't make any moves (teary)

Arish: gosh! You're hopeless.

Sam: huh?

Arish: listen. Right she's a wild animal. She'll run away if you make big move. But you gotta do something.

Sam: what do you mean...?

Arish: like how long are you gonna keep making her food? Do something? Give her small kisses regularly? Hold her hands casually?

Sam: i do tho.

Arish: do it with confidence. Flirt with her better. Jeez! Just look t me. My girl is all over me (proud of himself)

Sam: yeah yeah. Now don't just flex (pissed)

Arish: don't worry. Your time will come too (patting Sam's shoulder sympathetically)

Sam: really? (Dramatic)

Arish: oh. Right. It was nice (blushing)

Sam: what? That movie date?

Arish: right. We kissed too... (Hiding his face in his pillow)

Sam: jeez! In front of everyone!?

Arish: oh right. Book the whole theatre if you're planning on a movie date. It's better.

Sam: hum? Should I?

Arish: AHH! Dating feels nice... (Shouting in the pillow)

Sam: jeez. Dude. Calm down.

Arish: let's be neighbours when we get married to them. (Lifting his head)

Sam: right. We'll make our childs lover.

Hugging each other dramatically.

Back to now

Arish: I advised him to take your friend to a movie date. (Proud)

Mimi: forget their movie date. We'll go on double date today (walking to Suyan and Sam holding Arish's hand and dragging him)

Arish: wait. no...

To be continued.....

Author: literally? They are thinking about children already? (Disgusting look at both of them)

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