Chapter 49

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Mimi: h-hi....

Sam: so y'all were here the whole time...?

Jenna: yeah....

Sam: and.... The one who texted me was also not Suyan.

Joy: yeah....

Sam: oh. I see (looking sad)

In Sam's mind: I was happy for no reason. Dumbo!

Sam: okay. Let me just call them. As we are all here.

Dia: yeah. Sounds good.

Mimi: yeah.

Sam: why do you need everyone together anyways??

Joy: you'll know.

Suyan: now call them?

Sam: yeah....

Mimi: is it just me or he looks upset after seeing us (whispering to Dia)

Dia: I know, right?

Sam called them. And so they are all here now

Arish: so. Why disturbing us in a beautiful afternoon??

Mimi: why? Not like you had a date or something.

Arish: and why are you so sure??

Mimi: who would date such a rude guy?

Arish: y-you!

Mimi: what? Truth hurts?

Arish: ugh!

Suyan: okay okay. Stop you two.

Jenna: so let us tell you why we called you here.

Aden: yeah please.

Joy: remember we won against y'all on the bench that day?

Seb: huh? What win?

Jenna: they didn't even tell you?

Aden: what is there to tell about our lose??

Mimi: but we have soo many things to say about our win.

Jenna: remember we had a wish to be granted??

Arish: well.... We thought y'all forgot about that.

Aden: yeah.

Mimi: well. We didn't. And now is the time we ask you people to fulfil that wish.

Seb: so what do you want anyways.

Joy: go on a trip with us.

Aden: huh? So easy? Okay.

Arish: what do you mean by okay? We didn't agree!!

Jenna: wait! Let us complete the sentence.

Aden: go on.

Mimi: we'll go to a trip together. And y'all will pay for us.

Arish: oh I see. (Realizing what they asked for) what?!?

Sam: wow. Y'all are claver I see.

Aden: why would we pay for you??

Jenna: cause that's our wish?

Seb: that sounds good.

Mimi: it's a deal then?

Arish: okay.... Whatever.... Not like it would cost a million...

Mimi: jeez! Rich ass!

Joy: right.

Suyan: hey. Why are you so quiet today? (Looking at Sam)

Sam: huh? Oh.... Nothing.

Suyan: no. You look down. Something happened.

Sam: it's nothing.

Suyan: you're lying.... You are never so quiet.

Sam: well.. should I speak the truth?

Mimi: see? She does care. (Whispering to Dia)

Dia: she does.

Suyan: who told you to lie?

Sam: I'm sad cause you weren't the one who texted me and wanted to eat with me...

Arish: so.... She was your date? (Pointing Suyan)

Suyan: hey!! W-what date??!?

Seb: that's just what Sam said.

Suyan: t-that wasn't a date!!

Sam: right.... Maybe it wasn't....

Mimi: hey. Don't be that sad. You are making us feel guilty.

Dia: right.

Sam: I'm not sad....

Joy: okay. I need to get going. It's already evening.

Mimi: yeah. We should get going too.

Aden: then let's all go outside together.

Jenna: everyone check their schedules and inform us. We'll fix the date accordingly to that. And yeah. I'll open a group chat when I get home

Aden: well am always free.

Dia: let's go now?

Suyan: so soon? Stay the night girls! We'll chat a bit?

Mimi: yeah. Maybe I should. I'm alone anyways.

Suyan: yeah.

Jenna: then we'll get going!

Mimi: yeah. Go.

They went out and Mimi went to the door to close it.

Everyone was going down already. But Arish didn't.

Arish: hey. Why would you stay with her anyways?

Mimi: cause I'm home alone anyways?

Arish: you.... Could have just asked me to stay with you....

Mimi: right. (realising) what?? Are you nuts?

Arish: is it something new? (Teasing her)

Mimi: shut up! It was just situation!!

Arish: really?

Mimi: yeah!!

Arish: whatever you say ma'am. (Teasing)

Mimi: are you trying to tease me?

Arish: no. Why would I tease you like this? I have got better ways.

Mimi: huh? What better ways?

Arish: ummm....

Arish took her hand and gently kissed the back of her hand.

Arish: like this. (Smile)

Arish started to walk down.

Mimi: that slay fox!!

Suyan (from her bedroom): Mimi? You went home?

Mimi: no! I'm... I'm coming...

Mimi closed the door and went in.

After an hour

They washed up and now are lying on Suyan's bed.

Suyan: hey. Answer this question honestly. Okay?

Mimi: hum? What question?

Suyan: you like Arish. Don't you?

Mimi: h-huh?

To be continued......

Author: just that Suyan doesn't know how many times they have kissed. Hehe....

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