Chapter 50

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Mimi: h-huh?

Suyan: what huh? Just dig deep into your heart for a bit. I'll give you 5 minutes.

Mimi: what five minutes? I don't like him!!

Suyan: really?

Mimi: y-yeah....

Suyan: that yeah is kinda.... Weak.

Mimi: no! Really!!

Suyan: okay okay. Whatever you say ma'am.

Mimi: huh?

Suddenly remembered the hand kiss.

In Mimi's mind: what with her! It's like she's saying that line on purpose...

Mimi: let me ask you something too.

Suyan: yeah. Go on.

Mimi: do you not like Sam?

Suyan: no. I don't.

Mimi: at least think for a bit.

Suyan: what is there to think?

Mimi: why don't you like him?

Suyan: first of all, I don't feel anything when I look at him. Second of all, I'm not interested in dating now.

Mimi: then when will you ever be interested in dating?!? You are in uni already!!

Suyan: I believe it will come naturally.

Mimi: you have to let it in for it to come!!

Suyan: what does that mean?

Mimi: Sam likes you. And you are not letting him in.

Suyan: I will. When I feel something. I can't just date someone cause they like me. I have to like him too. Or I'll be unfair for them.

Mimi: so you'll try?

Suyan: nah. I would rather sleep at that time.

Mimi: ugh! You are so annoying!!

Suyan: and what about Sunmy? Is she enjoying?

Mimi: she said she is.

Suyan: well that's good. Now sleep.

Mimi: really? Shouldn't we be chatting for hours?

Suyan: then explain why you were sleeping with Arish.

Mimi: yawn!!! I feel so sleepy!! Let's sleep.

Suyan: really? Shouldn't we be chatting for hours? (Teasing)

Mimi: sleep

So they fell asleep debating around

After 6 days

In Mimi's house

Sunmy: what? A trip? So suddenly?

Mimi: it's not sudden. Just that you weren't here.

Sunmy: but I have to study....

Mimi: who studies so hard in uni?

Sunmy: I am in med college.

Mimi: it'll be winter vacation soon.

Sunmy: oh. Right.

Mimi: yeah.

Sunmy: so y'all will go on that trip in winter vacation?

Mimi: yeah.

Sunmy: but it's a month away.

Mimi: yeah.

Sunmy: okay. I'll go then.

Mimi: that's the spirit my boi!!

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