Chapter 86

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Arish: no! He has literally booked a movie ha-

But Mimi was already there

Mimi: Suyan!

Meanwhile Suyan and Sam

They were still holding hands and looking the other day for each other

In Suyan's mind: fuck my life. Why did I bring that up?

In Sam's mind: so it was real? No wonder the dream felt too realistic.... (Blushing)

In Suyan's mind: now how do I get out of this awkwardness!? How will I spend the whole date with him!?

In Sam's mind: w-was my kiss okay....? It was my first kiss!! And I was drunk too!! Maybe that's why she hesitates to date me? (Internal crying)

In Suyan's mind: I deserve a slap. Someone slap me! Why did I make things awkward!?

Mimi: Suyan!

In Suyan's mind: huh? (Looking in front) I love you Mimi.

Suyan: oh? Mimi

Sam: oh? Hi Mimi.... Arish too?

Arish walked to them

Arish: yeah...

Mimi: what are you doing here after saying there's nothing between you two.

Suyan: shut up! We are just hanging out casually.

Mimi: oh? I really wanna see your intense hanging out then (looking at this adjoined hands)

Sam: are you two going on a date?

Mimi: right. We too.

Sam: best of lu-

Mimi: let's go on a double date! (Excited)

Suyan: huh?

Mimi: it's my forever wish to go on a double date with a friend.

In Arish's mind: shit.

In Sam's mind: no! I booked the whole theatre! I even brought a pendent....

Sam: let's do that some other t-

In Suyan's mind: going with them? Right. Best way to avoid awkwardness!

Suyan: fine. Let's go.

Sam: Suyan!

Suyan: why...? Is there a problem...? (Genuinely asking)

In Sam's mind: how could I say no to that face!? Ah! Forget it. I'll book the theater again.

Sam: fine... Let's go

Mimi: right! Let's go!

Arish: they okay with that? Sam doesn't know how to ice skate tho.

Suyan: I know! I'll teach him.

Mimi: good. My Suyan has improved so much. You are learning.

Suyan: shut it.

Mimi: fine. Let's get walking.

So they went to the ice skating club

Mimi: I swear Suyan. Don't think of disturbing us (pulling Arish close)

Arish: yeah. Right. Stay in that corner you two!

Suyan: then why the fuck did you two offer double date!? (Pissed)

Mimi: dunno! Just go! (Shuing them away)

Sam: fine fine. We'll go. Enjoy

Dragging Suyan

Suyan: just come to my house running when Sunmy isn't there (narrowing eyes)

Arish: I'll stay with her (proud)

Suyan: you little-

Sam: let's go. Let's go (Patting Suyan's shoulder)

They went to the other corner

Mimi: hey! Don't be so rude with her! Boyfriend's are temporary. Sister's are permanent

Arish: what did you just say!? (Angry and sad) How can you just call me temporary!?

Mimi: fine fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the tru- I mean I shouldn't have said that (patting Arish's shoulder)

Arish: huh. Now you gotta pay up?

Mimi: pay up? Really!? (Annoyed) Is that what our relationsh-

And Arish pulled Mimi into a kiss by neck.

In Mimi's mind: this guy!!

Mimi started kissing Arish back.

Arish's hand travelled to the back of Mimi's neck and pulled her closer.

Mimi: well... It's been long since he kissed me like this tho.....

Wrapping her hands around Arish's neck

Mimi: ainta eno? (Ain't that enough?)

Arish: no (mumbling in the kiss)

And he kept eatin- I mean kissing Mimi.

Mimi: jerk (frowning a bit In the kiss)

Arish: bad

In Mimi's mind: damnit. I said it out loud...

Biting Mimi's lower lip softly in the kiss

Mimi: aw... (Still kissing back)

Arish: how can you call your boyfriend jerk? (Still eatin- kissing her)

Mimi: shutu (shut up)

Hitting his chest

Arish just smiled a bit and kept kissing Mimi.

In Mimi's mind: jerk.

And finally Arish felt like ending the kiss

In Mimi's mind: a-already...? Ew! No! Finally...

Arish: um.. you brought your lip gloss with you..?

Mimi: no. Why?

Arish: there ain't any left in your lips anymore.... (Rubbing his neck)

Mimi: you little-! (Angry)

Arish: sorry. Yeah? (Hugging Mimi)

Mimi: shut up. I'll look so bad now! With no lipgloss and plumped up lips! Thanks to someone (side eyeing Arish)

Arish: you Still look good tho....

Mimi: are you saying that to cover up for your mistake!?

Arish: no no. Really (kissing her ear)

Mimi: jeez! (Rubbing her ear and blushing a bit)

Arish: your original lip shade is good too. Okay?

Mimi: as if (rolling eyes)

Arish: it's true!

Mimi: sure sure

Meanwhile Suyan and Sam watching them when they started kissing.

Suyan: wow. I understand why they told us to go away (disgusted)

Sam: let's not look at people's private life (covering Suyan's eyes)

Suyan: yeah sure. So private. In a place full of peoples.

Sam: jeez (laughing)

Suyan: just the truth.

Sam: now walk me? I can't walk without you in this ice (they just entered the stadium)

Author: And yeah. Mimi and Arish still aren't inside the stadium. Don't think that they were kissing while wearing skate shoes and balancing in the ice.

Suyan: yeah sure. (Holding Sam's hand to lead him)

To be continued......

Author: Mimi's lip gloss budget is increasing lol.

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