Chapter 27

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Author: As my readers already know, I'm not that good girl.

And I love to make you suspense

So, let's talk about Arish and Mimi later. In this chapter tho. So Let the story continue from......

At Dia's house

Dia is really bored.

She got A+ and addition to her desired university in Phillipine. But she couldn't even inform anyone properly. as everyone is busy themselves.

Even Zed. He is in trip with his friends as their fearwell.

Dia: Ah~~~ what to do!! It's so boring!!

(Thinking what to do)

Dia: let's sing some songs. But..... What to sing?


Dia: boring ~ boring ~~ everything's boring ~~
How can everything be~~ so~~ so~~ boring ~~
Boring ~~ boring ~~


Dia: tsk! It's boring.

(Thinking again)

Dia: no! I don't have any other way!


Dia: let's call everyone again.

Dia started calling everyone one by one


First call Suyan

But she didn't pick up

Call again

And she received the call

Dia: hey bitch!! How are you doing??

Suyan's mom: is it Dia? How are you doing dear??

Dia: oh... Hi auntie....

In Dia's mind: shit! Why did I had to curse just now!!

Dia: umm.. where is Suyan auntie??

Suyan's mom: well. She's sleeping... You know.. she sleeps more when she's happy.

Dia: what? Oh my...! Okay auntie. I'll Talk to you again.

Suyan's mom: okay dear. Take care

Dia: yeah.

The call ended

Dia: so let's call Joy.

Calling Joy.

But Joy didn't pick up.

Meanwhile Joy (why she didn't pick up)

Joy: oh. Dia's calling! I'll go pick it up.

Joy's mom: what did I teach you! Don't connect with any divice while eating!

Joy: sorry sorry.

Aden: ain't I good aunty? I didn't use phone!

Joy's mom: of course ~~ that's like a good boy!

Aden: hehe.

Joy: I think I did a mistake liking him.

Cousin 2: did you say something?

Joy: no!!

In Joy's mind: oh shit! I spoke out my thoughts loudly!!

And there's our Dia

Dia: okay. It's okay. Let's call Jenna. It has to be this time.

She called Jenna.


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