Chapter 9

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Finally they are in cox's Bazar now. They took rest for sometime and now are heading to a beach.

At the beach

The weather is refreshing. They don't even remember the journey and pain anymore. They are now totally refreshed.

They are now in the sea playing with water. Suyan is making sandhouse. Jenna is also helping her. Sunmy is sitting in the chair and enjoying the tan. Dia, Joy and Mimi are playing with seawater.

Suddenly Arish appeared out of nowhere and came near Mimi.

Arish: Hey. What a coincidence!

Mimi: you again ?

Arish: right na? How come we meat each other In every place?

Mimi: yeah. I'm disgusted...

Arish: Looks like we are fated. (Whispering)

Arish also went in the same beach with his friends.

Mimi: fated my foot! Don't disturb me.

Arish: okay okay. Take it easy. Don't go too deep. I wonder if you can swim.....

Mimi: and why does it concerns you?? just go away!

Dia and Joy were watching the whole thing from there.

Joy: told ya. He likes you. (Whispering to Mimi's ear)

Mimi: stop talking nonsense! We hate each other.

Dia: yeah yeah. Think as you please....

Mimi: hump.

They were all playing and enjoying themselves.

Dia, Joy and Mimi were in the water till now. They were going deep. But Mimi went more far then Dia and Joy. As she was so excited......

Dia: Hey. Mimi. Don't go any further...... We also don't know swimming well.

Mimi: okay. I'll not go any further. But let me stay here.

Joy: okay. We are a bit tired. So we'll rest a bit and come back.

Mimi: okay~~ (focused on playing with water)

Dia and Joy got out of water and were resting. While a sound came.

Help.... Help..... Someone...... Please......

Dia: what's this sound?

Suyan: Well. It sounds like Mimi.... wait!

Suyan looked behind.

Suyan: fuck!! Mimi is drowning!

Suyan run and jumped in water to save Mimi. As she knows swimming (a little)

Suyan: I'm coming!! Just hold your breath.

Suyan was going to save her. But Suddenly saw someone coming this way carrying Mimi.

Suyan: aren't you the boy from ship?

Arish: let's talk about that later. Now important is her breath!!

Mimi was not responding. Arish was pressing his chest to pull the water out. But it didn't work. So he

Arish: forgive me guys. I....

Joy: no you can't! Let us...

Suyan stopped her mid words.

Suyan: she's alive... So let her have the moment.

Dia: what? What the.... How do you know??

Suyan: look there. Her hands are moving. She'll wake up any moment.

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