Chapter 72

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The next day

At A²S² droom

Arish: guys. Keep your schedule clean at 3 pm

Aden: why?

Arish: the girls will be coming. I have something to plan.

Sam: what?! Will Suyan be coming too?

Arish: everybody will be coming except for Mimi. Or maybe Sunmy too. Since she's not so well now.

Seb: w-what? Jenna will be here too?

Sam: I need to clean my room! Bye! (Running through his room)

Arish: oh. Thanks for the help. (They share room together)

Seb: me too. I need to clean my room too.

Aden: yeah. Go on.

At 3 pm



Seb: they are here.

Seb went and opened the door.

And it was the girls.

Dia: hi.

Seb: hi! How are y'all?

Dia: good.

Seb: umm... Where is Jenna?

Joy: she's outside. Paying the driver.

Suyan: jeez. So impatient.

Seb: yeah yeah. Yours in no less impatient!!

Suyan: who do you mean by "yours"?!

Joy: obviously Sam. Right?

Seb: right.

Suyan: we are not even dating!

Seb: we didn't say you two are dating. You did.

Suyan: that's because....! What else would you mean by that!!

Dia: yeah yeah~~ right. (Teasing her)

Suyan: ugh! Just forget it!

Jenna (who just came): forget what?

Suyan: nothing!

Seb: you are here babe?

Seb ran through Jenna and hugged her.

Jenna: aww. My babe's the cutest!

Joy: can we go? If you two are done being lovely dovely I mean.

Jenna: yeah. Let's go.

They all went in.

As Joy saw Aden just the moment she got in

Joy: hi Aden!

But Aden just turned around and pretended he never heard that.

Joy felt a bit embarrassed

Joy: wow... Y'all are so clean. I could never...! (Only saying to cut off her embarrassment)

Arish (who just got out of his room with Sam): no we are not. Sam and Seb cleaned it all. You know, their love were coming.

Sam: hey!! Stop!! (Blushing hard after looking at Suyan)

Dia: I should just hide in a rabbit hole at this rate....

Arish: please be seated everyone. I have some discussion to do.

Suyan: you are scaring me.......(Really curious)

Aden: so are we....

Arish: just sit here properly. Let me bring the food. Then we will talk.

Dia: yeah. Go fast then!! (Really curious too)

Arish brought the food and placed it on the table.

Suyan: woo! You prepared nice.

Jenna: now spill!

Arish: well.... I want to confess to Mimi......

Dia: I see. (Realisation) what?!?

Jenna: finally!!

Suyan: who shoved so many sence in you?

Sam: finally!!

Arish: ugh! Stop teasing me! And do what you are here for!

Seb: what are we here for?

Arish: to help me decide how I ask her out....

Aden: go with 100 flowers!

Suyan: maybe decorate a cafe and play some background music

Jenna: no. Give her a ring!

Seb: use my muffin technique!!

Arish: oh my god!! Can y'all stop for a bit?!

Dia: you are the one who wanted ideas.

Arish: now let me think which is better?

Seb: mine is.... I know...

Jenna: like mine is bad?

Suyan: but I think my idea was good too.

Arish: you know what? Let's just do it all.

Sam: what?!

Meanwhile Sunmy and Mimi

Sunmy: I'm so bored...

Mimi: why? Med study isn't blocking enough time?

Sunmy: ugh!! Don't even mention that!!

Mimi: cool cool. Let's go shopping then. The thing you like the most.

Sunmy: yeah. Let's go. We have a deal too. Remember?

Mimi: what deal?

Sunmy: about that damn necklace. I know it's diamond!

Mimi: ugh! Let's go check it and get it over for god's sake!!

Sunmy: right. It will all be clear if we bring it to the Jewellery shop.

Mimi: ugh. I'll go get ready!

Sunmy: yeah. Please.

They got ready and went to a jewellery shop as soon as they reached the shopping complex.

Sunmy: how are you uncle?

Shopkeeper: very well beta. How about you?

Sunmy: yeah. I'm good too.

Shopkeeper: so what brings you here? Wanna make a chain again?

Sunmy: no. I'm here to test a necklace if it's real or not.

Shopkeeper: I see. Show me then.

Sunmy handed the necklace to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper checked it for a while

Mimi: I'm telling you. It's not.

Shopkeeper: it's real. The chain is silver and the stones are diamond. A good one at that.

Mimi: w-what?

Sunmy: told ya.

Shopkeeper: why? Aren't you happy?

Sunmy: no no. It's nothing. We'll get going then. I'll visit again to buy a earring pair soon.

Shopkeeper: that would be wonderful.

They got out of the shop.

Sunmy: see?

Mimi: yeah....

Sunmy: and now explain why would he gift you something so expensive if he doesn't like you?

Mimi: that....

Sunmy: no. First answer. Do you like him?

Mimi: I.... I'm not sure....

Sunmy: wow. Forget it. We have more shops to visit. Let's go

Mimi: yeah. Let's go.

They started visiting other shops.

To be continued......

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