Chapter 31

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Suyan: Jenna!

Seb (from the drawing room): what! Jena is here!(smile)

Dia:huh? Jenna is here!

Seb quickly got up from the sofa. And run to the main door

Seb: Jenna!

Delivery man: So....... Who'll sign.......?

Suyan: pfft! (Stopping her laughter)

Seb: ah....... Just....... Let me,.....

Delivery man: here you go. Sign here. And here.

Seb: okay.....

The delivery man left after delivering the food.

Seb: How......! How can you do something like that to a innocent boy!

Suyan: hahahahahaha.

Le them be like: what is happening?

Suyan: it's..... It's so easy to fool you!! Hahahahaha!!

Seb: you are so mean!

Suyan: how did Jenna fell in love with someone like this ~~(teasing voice)

Seb: how dare you say that!

Suyan: ju~~st like this. Jenna fell in love with a fool~~

Seb: hump!

Seb came to the drawing room humping around.

Joy: can you explain what's happening?

Seb: she....... She pranked me.!!

Mimi: who? Jenna?

Seb: no! Jenna didn't come!

Joy: then? The delivery man?

Seb: you all are teasing me too!

Mimi: okay. Let's be serious. Was it......

In Seb's mind: yes! At least someone is on my side!

Mimi: was it that door? Or the flower vase near the door?

Seb: It's Suyan!! Y'all are so bad!!!!!

Dia: pfft (holding her laugh)

Seb: you too? (Sob)

Dia: Sorry. But just look at your face!. You are no different than Sam!

Sam and Seb: hey! Don't compare me with him!!

Joy: can you do that again? I need to record it.

Sam and Seb: no! Hump!

Suyan: why~ just do it. We'll be famous once we upload it. (Laugh)

Seb: and you like them more than us? I know. You like being teased! Hump!

Sam: what if I do? Any problem?

In Sam's mind: as long as it's Suyan...

Dia: okay okay. Let's just start eating.

Joy: yeah. I'm super hungry!

They were serving the food on different plates together.

Sam: oh no! we are out of plates.

Dia: not a deal. We can share together.

Sam: still. it's too less. We need 3 more plates.

Seb: I'm not gonna eat with him!

Sam: why do you have so less plate at your place Mimi!

Mimi: we are just two people. Two plates and one cooker is enough. (Sudden shout) We still have one extra! You should be grateful!!

Dia: yeah yeah. We are so~~ greatful!

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