Chapter 51

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They all went in.

So the boys have booked two cabins. One for them and one for the girls.

Mimi: really? I thought y'all were rich!

Arish: we are?

Mimi: so why just two cabins and two rooms?

Arish: cause we don't need anymore!

Mimi: whatever!

Jenna: stop stop! Just go to your own rooms and place the luggage.

Joy: then join us afterwards.

Aden: okay.

Arish: really? Can't we have some alone time?

Seb: why do we need that?

Aden: I think it's even better if you just take the luggage and come back. We don't even need to go.

Seb: yeah. That's a great idea.

Arish: why would I?

Aden: cause you wanted alone time?

Arish: ugh! Whatever! Sam! Come with me!!

Sam: okay.

Seb: why are you so down nowadays?

Sam: I'm not.

Sam walked away with Arish.

Aden: I'm so worried about him. He's so down nowadays.

Seb: I know right?

Mimi: right. It's concerning.

They placed the luggage in their room and returned to the girls room.

Arish: so? What now?

Mimi: let's play something?

Jenna: truth or...

Joy (interrupting Jenna's line): no! Not trust or dare again!

Mimi: what else can we play anyways?

Sunmy: let's just chat with each other today.

Suyan: yeah. Let's do that.

A long silence

Suyan: let's just play truth or dare!

Mimi: yeah right!

Aden: yeah. At least we'll do something then.

Arish: here. Take my bottle.

Handing a bottle out.

Jenna: yeah. Let's spin it.

Joy: yeah

Jenna: so. First spin

Bottle spin faced Arish

Arish: m-me..

Jenna: truth or dare?

Arish: truth

Suyan: lemme!

Jenna: yeah. Go on

Suyan: do you like our Mimi?

Arish: I....

Suyan: yeah? You?

In Arish's mind: ugh! What do I do??!? Do I lie? Or should I just.....

Arish: yes I do. Don't you know we are engaged? (Teasing voice)

Mimi: hey! Stop that!

Suyan: see. I'm not in a very good mood. Don't make me angry!!

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