Chapter 68

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Meanwhile Sam and Suyan

Sam: hi Suyan.

Suyan: oh.. hi... Where is Mimi?

Sam: umm. She had some works.

Suyan: I see. And why are you......

In Suyan's mind: no. I should stop being so mean.

Suyan: No. I mean..... How can I help you?

Sam: I just wanted to spend some time with you.

Suyan: oh....

Sam: yeah....

In Suyan's mind: well. I was bore too. He's a good company I guess...

Suyan: you know what? Sit. I'll bring some snacks

Sam: huh? Okay....

Suyan came back with some snacks in her hands.

Suyan: here. (Giving him a packet of chips)

Sam: thanks.

Suyan: how is your wound?

Sam: it's healing slowly.

Suyan: that's good.

Sam: so what will you do after returning?

Suyan: most probably study like crazy for a month. Then go to chill mood again.

Sam: which subject did you choose?

Suyan: biochemistry.

Sam: wow. That's a cool subject.

Suyan: yeah I guess.

Sam: yeah.

Suyan: hey. I wonder.... What's your favourite colour?

Sam: matcha green.

In Sam's mind: wait! Was she curious about me just now??!

Suyan: I see.

Sam: what about you?

Suyan: it's... Grey.

Sam: and what about food?

Suyan: garlic bread.

Sam: and fav gift item?

Suyan: something that will stay is all I like. Wait... It feels like I'm doing an interview!

Sam: really?

Suyan: stop asking questions. I won't answer anymore.... (Looking away)

Sam: what can I do? I'm just so curious about you...

Suyan: jeez! Right. Wanna finish the drama we were watching?

Sam: yeah. Let's do so.

So they started watching the drama they were watching the other day.

Meanwhile Aden and Seb.

Seb: why isn't she still here?!

Aden: can't you just go and get her?

Seb: then how will I surprise her with this bouquet?

Aden: oh. That's right too.

Seb: yeah

Aden: by the way. How did you manage this big bouquet here?

Seb: oh. That. I brought it yesterday and stored it in my luggage. And arranged it just now.

Aden: wow. How love sick you are!

Seb: now do me a favour. Go and check how long it will take her.

Aden: really? I have to go?

Seb: please?

Aden: jeez. I'll just go.

Aden walked in Jenna and joy's room.

After 5 minutes

Jenna finally arrived.

Jenna: hi babe.

Seb: hi! How are you? What took you so long? (Holding the bouquet behind him)

Jenna: oh. I just went to the canteen to buy some chocolates for us.

Seb: wait. So you didn't meet Aden on the way?

Jenna: no. Why?

Seb: okay. Let's finish it first.

Seb took out the bouquet from behind him.

Jenna: oh my gosh!! How did you arrange such a big bouquet?! (Really excited)

Seb: well. For you only.

Jenna took the bouquet in her hand and gave Seb a peak on the lips.

Jenna: you are the best!

Seb: am I?

Seb pulled Jenna into a long kiss.

Jenna Brock the kiss and was about to go for a second

Seb: wait. I need to call Aden.

Meanwhile Aden who went to joy and Jenna's room earlier.

Aden knocked on their door.

And Joy opened it.

Joy: oh! It's you?

Aden: yeah. Where is Jenna?

Joy: she left for her date.

Aden: what? Really?!? Ugh! Seb sent me here for nothing!




Aden checked his phone and it was Seb

Aden: now you are calling?

Aden picked up the call

Seb: hey. Jenna is here. You can return to your room now.

Aden: why couldn't you call me sooner?!? You know that our room is far from others! (Got cut off in number. And is in another floor. Basically the others are in the last room of a floor and Aden and Seb are in the first room of another floor. Nyeah..)

Seb: chill dude. It's just a floor.

Aden: just enjoy your date!! (Is angry)

Seb: hey...

Aden ended the call

Aden: ugh!

Joy: hey hey. Cool down.

Aden: oh. Sorry...

Joy: you can sit inside for a bit.

Aden: um... Okay... I guess. I'll rest for a bit here. Then go.

Joy: yeah. Come in

In Joy's mind: yes!

Joy: ahm! So how are you?

Aden: good. What about you?

Joy: excellent. Obviously...

Aden: can I get a glass of water?

Joy: yeah sure. Let me give you a bottle.

Joy went and brought a bottle of water

Aden: thanks.

Joy: no problems.

Aden drank the water peacefully.

Aden: um. I'll go then.

Joy: huh? Already?

Aden: why? Did you need anything?

Joy: no no.

Aden: okay then.

Joy: wait. Let me walk you down.

Aden: huh? You don't need t...

Joy: I don't need to. I want to. Se let's go.

Aden: o-okay...

Joy locked their room and started walking in Aden's room's direction.

And suddenly a voice called out

????: oh. Is that you Aden?

To be continued......

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