Chapter 71

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Sam grabbed Suyan's face. And started to go closer to her face

In Suyan's mind: what the! Is he going to kiss me again?

Sam suddenly stopped

In Sam's mind: no Sam! Get a grip!!

Sam suddenly hugged Suyan tight

Suyan: hey. What happened? Why are you hugging....

Sam: I'm scared.....

Suyan: huh? Why would you be scared of crime drama?

Sam: I just am....

Suyan: okay okay. Let's stop watching then (Patting Sam's head)

Suyan: let me get the remote (trying to reach the remote)

Sam: no. Just stay like this.....

Intercrossing the hand she was trying to get the remote with.

Suyan: huh?

Meanwhile Dia

They were just chatting casually and suddenly Dia got a call

Dia: huh? Aden?

Joy: Aden?!

Dia: jeez. You look too exited. You know?

Joy: hump!

Dia received the call

Aden: hi Dia.

Dia: hi.

Aden: what are you doing?

Dia: oh. We are having a slumber party.

Aden: huh? Is..... Joy there too?

Dia: yeah.

In Aden's mind: yes! This is my chance!

Aden: umm... How long will y'all stay there?

Dia: obviously the whole night.

Aden: really?

Dia: yeah?

Aden: okay thanks. Oh. And. The reason I called you. Arish called y'all tomorrow at our house. Without Mimi. And Sunmy can skip too. Bye

Aden ended the call.

Dia: wait...

Joy: what did he say?

Dia: well. He.... (Remembered Mimi shouldn't know)

Joy: he what?

Dia: nothing....

Meanwhile Sam and Suyan

Suyan: huh? Hey. You can't just hug me without my permission like this. Can you?

Sam: I know.... I'll let you go in five minutes.

Suyan: what the...... Okay then.... (Stroking Sam's hair)

Sam snuggled his face a bit in Suyan's neck

Suyan flinched a bit

In Suyan's mind: that tickles....




Suyan: who's calling..? (Mumbling)

Suyan checked her phone and it was Dia

Suyan: hey. I got a phone call.

Sam: yeah. Receive it.

Suyan: are you going to stay like this while I talk? (Frowning)

Sam lifted his face

Sam: it doesn't harm the conversation. Does it?

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