34 // Prisoners

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Crying in the back of an Uber was definitely not how I had envisioned the rest of my day to be.

I hated Karabo for this. I hated her for questioning my love for Sy and also making me doubt my father.

All my life, my father was my hero. Even though he was rarely present in our lives, the fact that he did not actively participate in my mother's shenanigans and never went out of his way to tear me down made me worship him. His silence was often comforting because I believed he remained quiet because he did not agree with what my mother was doing.

The day he saved me from my mother's marriage scheme, he became someone I thought I could count on to always have my back and be there for me everyday. But the day he learnt of Silas' identity left me feeling like I did not know my father at all.

When he arrested Silas, he broke my heart more than anyone has ever done. And now, he was also hurting my mother.

He had not bothered to check on her after we received the news on my aunt, nor had he bothered to attend the funeral. And according to my mother, he hasn't even come home since the night he arrested Silas.

I didn't believe the whole story about my aunt's death, I couldn't help feeling that she was murdered, especially after that nightmare I had and how she had been acting for several hours prior to her death. It was all too suspicious.

Newfound determination saw me wiping my tears and trying to pull myself together as we began to zoom in on the police station.

My heart slowed down with the car as the driver parked on the side of the road. "Please don't leave, I won't be long," I requested as I exited the car.

A rush of air filled my lungs when I came face-to-face with the place that left me feeling desperate the last time. It was here that I met Karabo, but it was also here that I noticed a side to my father that I did not know existed.

I had to take deep breaths before walking into the station, putting a smile on my face just for show.

Most people who worked here knew me, but the station was filled with younger and unfamiliar faces today. Normally I would start by greeting the guys at the front desk, but I felt so awkward, I sneaked past them and headed to my father's office.

The stares I was getting made me feel like disappearing, perhaps I should have changed the black funeral attire before heading out to public spaces.

My father's office just had to be at the far end, I couldn't get there fast enough. I raised my fist to knock, my hand freezing midair at the noise coming from inside.

It sounded like there were people fighting. I slowly reached for the door handle and carefully opened the door, and the sight that greeted me left me breathless for a second.

"-You better find them, do you understand? I want them back, dead or alive!"

My father had Zamani up against the wall with his collars, and Zamani's face was changing colour as he gaped for air. Zamani was a giant of a man, while my father looked almost frail, his strength made no sense to me. His voice also held such power, it sounded nothing like the father I knew.

"Bra Zakhe, calm down."

"Don't tell me to-"

I quickly dashed away from there before they could see me, and I crashed into someone.

"Sorry!" I quickly said.

"It's okay, it's okay. So, did you get the scope?" My face fell at the familiar voice, and my eyes popped out as I came face-to-face with the devil. "Shhh... act normal now," he said in a smooth voice.

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