41 // Silver Linings

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My hand dropped to my side as if pried off by a sudden shock of electricity, my chest heaving up and down heavily. I felt cold inside, a sense of numbness I could not decipher.

No matter what excuse my mind tried to produce, there was nothing I could say to my father's defense. Normally, I would be filled with feelings of doubt at the dubious accusations, but there was no ounce of doubt in me.

The fact that he did not try to argue or defend himself told me that it was true - my father was indeed responsible for my aunt's death.

"What was it you said, again? A blood sacrifice."

"Yeah, that's right!" Zamani chimed. "The blood of the person who turned you into a monster, would reverse the curse." But my aunt did not turn my father into a vampire, and I doubt she knew he was one. "But of course, he couldn't murder the son of his dearest friend. I could never understand such blind loyalty, I mean, the guy is already dead and buried."

"Watch it," Esra warned coyly, silencing Zamani with a murderous glare. "Your father needed the blood of someone related to my stepmother, gosh, I couldn't be happier that she was not my biological mother." What? The shock and confusion must have been evident on my face because she smirked. "What, are you surprised? I guess your boyfriend forgot to share that small detail with you, huh? Anyway, the only reason your boyfriend lived this long was because your father needed pure blood, a life sacrifice, and technically, your boyfriend does not fit in that category. So, that left us with one option..." The wheels were already turning in my head, and I did not like where this was going one bit. "A new life. Did you think you and Cas met because you were fated to be?" My heart dropped to my stomach, leaving me feeling out of breath. "Your father willingly gave you away, and of course, I also had to play my part with my brother, and here we are. Still think your father is not a monster?"

It was in that moment that I felt the last piece of my heart break as a lone tear rolled down my cold face.

I didn't realise that my father was bowing with his hands clumsily clutching his knees. "Lie... she's lying," he forced out through his teeth as if in pain. "Plan. Her plan-" He tried to clutch my hand, but I took a step back.

His pleading eyes met mine, pain flashing in them before a sad smile crossed his face. A strangled cry tore from my throat as he toppled over like a bull tripping during a fierce run.

"PAPA!" I knelt beside him and turned him over so that he was facing up. He was slipping in and out of consciousness while gurgling and coughing blood. "What did you do to him?" I yelled at Esra who stood there with a smug look on her face. "Papa, look at me... don't close your eyes." I gently slapped his cheeks, but there was no response, he was getting worse by the second.

Slow, steady footsteps approach from ahead, and I spotted Esra walking towards us. "Silver," she marvelled, kicking invisible stones on the ground. "What a wonder! It was just a small amount, I didn't think he would react so fast. I mean, I knew he lost his abilities and senses, but I didn't think he was this weak. Anyway, I did him a favour, I saved him from dying of false hope. There's no reversing vampirism."

All my senses heightened when his eyes rolled back. "Papa!" I shook him up, but it was use. "Please don't die on me. Esra, please save him!"

She snorted. "Save him? Him?! I wouldn't even dream of it."

"Just save him, I promise, I will do anything. I will give you anything you want, just say it! Papa."

"Anything?" She asked, hovering above me, and I nodded. "Anything" She repeated, squatting down to my level.


She sized me up for a minute. "Give me your son."

The world around me came to a standstill, the tears coming to a stop as my heart hardened. "W-what?" I wondered.

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